I am back =) | Arthritis Information


I am back! Feeling so much better. went through a series of health issues but I am on the other side of them all...(cross fingers, and toes)

Glad to say I am not taking any more predisone. For me it is a miracle drug that comes with a price.
We spent the last week in Fort Benning, Ga for my sons Graduation then were able to drive him to Fort Gordon for his AIT ( schooling) he will be there for the next 7 mos. I am so proud of his achievements. Below is a picture of my son. I think he is handsome...I am such a MOM..lol
#1inflamedOnline2010-07-08 06:08:00glad to see you had a good trip!!  I liked following your adventures..

Tell your son THANKS for all he is doing and will do.Congrats on your son's graduation! And a big thanks to him from my family too :)You raised some man there!  Congratulations to him and may he always serve safely.Welcome back!  I'm glad you are feeling better
 Congrats on your son's graduation.  I can understand why you are so proud!
I am so glad you are feelling better.
I am so proud of your son and I would also like to tell him thank you for all he is doing for our country.
Hi Inflamed,
Glad you are getting better and good to see you back. Thanks to you and your son.

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