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Back in November I joined b/c I was having suspicions of having RA. It runs in my family so I'm pretty well educated on it but it took me about 5 months to finally go into the dr. Sure enough I was right. I have a high RF and I just had my first appointment with a Rheumatologist a weeks ago Wednesday. I am on Predisone and MTX. It has been an interesting week with pain and feeling crappy. Today is a good day as far as pain. It's my first day almost pain free in weeks. I'm already getting a sinus infection and I think it's b/c of the meds and lowering my immune system. I have 3 kids under 5 years old so it makes it harder to stay away from germs.

I feel like dealing with RA is a full time job! I have never been good at taking vitamins or pills so I am trying SO hard to take them like I'm supposed to and so far I'm doing great. I have to take all my meds with food b/c of my gentle stomach and that has been hard. Being a mom of 3, a nursing student, and a full time CNA, eating for me is always on the run. This week I have done good with making myself sit down and eat, and take my vitamins with each meal.

I will take any advise anyone is willing to give. I'm only 26 so I have many years to have to work with this. Thanks for listening and I'm sure I'll run into you all sooner or later.


I'm just coming in to back up SnowOwl's post.
I also use a pill organizer.. Two, in fact..
I have my day one.. and my night one......
snacky stuff.. apples.. bananas... celery w/ peanut butter... nuts... trail mix.... all that is in my diet daily......
hang in there with your immune system..i think that the meds and your immune find a balance in time.. at least I have.. the first year, I was prone to getting everything... but this year has been great..... *knock wood* and I've only had ONE short cold and NO infections!!
Hey there.  I use pill boxes too.  I have one for each day, around 28.  I will sit down and organize as many as I have pills for.  That way I know I will take all my vitamins, etc.  Other wise, I will skip the vitamins.  It has made it much easier.  I also keep them in a lock box, with number lock, in the pantry to keep little hands away from meds.  It is tough remembering to take everything.  I thought I was pretty much a pharmacy until a lady at CVS told me she had someone who has around 27 medications each month.  Wow OK, it made me thankful for what I do have or don't have to take, I should say.   Hi, everything RA is pretty overwhelming when first dealing with the disease.  The advice you have gotten is really good, so I have nothing to add.  It does get easier to remember as things become more of a habit, so hang in there!

Welcome back and all the best to you!

I also highly recommend a weekly pill organizer.  I have one that has detachable "days" and each "day" has an AM and a PM side.  If I'm going to be out and about when it's time to take meds, I can just put today's "day" in my purse or backpack.  It takes less than 10 minutes to fill it up for the week, and then I don't have to worry for the rest of the week about whether I've taken all my meds.  If the organizer slot is empty, I took them, and if it's not, I didn't. oh and one more thing - with small kids in the house, I always keep my my meds locked up in a metal toolbox with a combination lock to keep the drugs in and the kids out.
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