Fish Oil Recommendations? | Arthritis Information


After talking with my Rheumy, she gave me a handout to go by when buying fish oil supplements,  up to 2.6g fish oil (1.6 g EPA ) twice a day and atleast 30% EPA/DHA as the active ingredients.

So after researching on the internet for several hours, I can't believe how many different types of fish oil there are. All different in EPA, DHA , then you have to find ones that are pharmacutically grade...
I did a search on this forum and found some good discussions.  Someone had also posted this sight to find brands that purify their products which is great...but I am still lost as to what brand etc to buy because of the EPA/DHA mg? Any ideas? What brand do you take, and how much do you take daily?
I take 2 or 3 NOW Foods Ultra Omega capsules twice a day, for a total of 3.0 to 4.5 grams of EPA+DHA daily, and have been doing so for a few years.  