MTX and Folic Acid | Arthritis Information


I just started taking MTX 2 weeks ago and my dr said to take folic acid but didnt mention how much. The folic acid I picked up says 800 mcg. Does anyone know if that's enough? I think that would be fine. Min. is 400mcg ( i pill )I don't have the bottle here with me at work... but I think I take one mg a day....   that would be 1000 mcg's I believe.OK, I looked it up because I can never remember anything.  lol  mcg is 1 millionth of a gram. mg is the symbol for milligram, 1 thousandth of a gram.

For example:
100 micrograms = 0.1 milligram
1000 micrograms = 1 mg

I was prescribed 1 mg of folic acid to start with.  My doc upped me to 2mg because of my side effects with methotrexate.   So, all that to say, I am betting 1 mg a day would be good.   I would probably ask if you aren't sure.  Can't hurt to ask.  I don't know for sure, but the dose of Folic Acid may depend on the dose of Mtx.

My RD has me on:   weekly 15 mg Mtx (inj)  and   daily 1 mg Folic Acid .
