New to RA & to Forum | Arthritis Information


Hello all - This is my first foray into forums and I'm hoping I can find some help. I was diagnosed with RA and Fibro in January of this year. My bone scan showed moderate damage in several areas, but all my bloodwork came back fine. My Rhuemy put me on Methotrexate and Folic Acid to start. I've just gotten my clearance to start plaquenil and increased my methotrexate. So far I'm not very comfortable with my doc. She doesn't exactly make me feel reassured about any of this... but maybe that's not in her power.

My questions...

Is there ever a day I'll be able to have no pain? Is a remission really something to be hopeful for? And what about your quality of life?

I'm having a hard time balancing my spoons and general life. I'm a mom of a beautiful 2 year old little girl. I work 40 hours + a week and my poor husband gets no 'us' time. I hurt every day. I'm exhausted every day. I have to push myself so hard just to get what's needed done, that when I do have an hour or so at the end of the day... I just can't sit still. I can't relax. I don't know if I'm afraid I won't get going again or if the pain will get the better of me. When I 'do' I can ignore it to a point.

I'm afraid to cut down to part-time because I'll lose my benefits, including short-term disability which might come in handy at some point down the road. But I can't keep going like this or my marriage and/or sanity will suffer greatly.

Any help with my mess would be very helpful.
I am so sorry you are having all this stuff.  I have heard some with RA take methotrexate for a year and they go into remission.  Then they only flare every so often and go back on the methotrexate when they do.  Me, I am one of those with the daily pain and no remission.  However, it isn't impossible.  I am hoping that you respond well to your current meds and reach that remission very very quickly.  If not, there are so many options out there now.  It seems like more and more meds are coming out all the time to help RA and fibro.  By the way, I have those both as well.  I think RA effects everyone differently.  I may not be too much help but, I am hoping and praying that your RA and fibro subside.  Oh, I was diagnosed with the RA and fibro almost a year after the birth of my little girl.  She is now 8.  Little girls are just awesome. or as my daughter would say, "girls rule!" lol Thank you so much for posting. I guess I'm just floundering trying to figure it out myself. It helps to hear from someone walking the same path. I'm blessed with a wonderful family and will just have to continue to pray for patience.

And girls definitely rule!! :)
I was diagnosed with RA 10 years ago.  I have an 18 mth old and a 3 mth old now.  I know how you feel when you say you don't want to rest because you may stiffen up.  At times, it is so hard to move or do anything.  You just feel defeated.  However, you should be hopeful for remission.  I went years and had no pain after we got the right combination of meds.  When I started having my babies two years ago is when I "stirred the pot again."  I had no pain when I was pregnant, but after I had the babies it came back even worse each time.  I just started methotrexate (3 pills once a week) and I also take plaquenil, celebrex, and 5mg of prednisone each day.  I am taking prenatal vitamins for the folic acid I need too.  Each day is getting better and I know that we will have this under control soon just as you will.  It just takes time, but it will be okay and you will be better.  There are so many meds now, you are sure to find the right combination for you.  Good luck!!!  My husband thinks I've had problems for about 15 years. He remembers me going through painful periods when we were in high school together. I guess I just need to give everything a chance. I've been thinking about asking my doctor if a short leave from work would be helpful to give the medicines a chance to do their thing. I wonder how receptive she would be to something like that.  hang in there plaquenil is awesome!  takes awhile to work.  stay strong.  my doctor said it can go into remission anytime in the 1st 2 years and may never come back.  sorry to say that was not my case.   take your hubby with you some so the doctor can explain it to him.   it is hard for others to understand.   arthritis foundation use to have a class that helps spouses understand about RA.  check it out in your local area.  Welcome to the forum. I hope you can get your RA under control. Keep us posted as to how things are going.

Pain-free? Well, hate to say this, but probably not. However there will be good days when the pain is tolerable. If you continue to have issues with the rheumatologist, find a new one. I think it is very important to have a good relationship with our health care providers. Will everything be just fine? Probably not, but with good care you should be able to cope.