Patient stories on the web may not be real | Arthritis Information


Just a little FYI.....
Really food for thought and another reason not to trust Internet diagnosis! 

clicking on this webpage got me a notice  that it contains active threats  according to my virus checker AVG
be careful
[QUOTE=kathy_in_wlsv]clicking on this webpage got me a notice  that it contains active threats  according to my virus checker AVG
be careful
This is a pretty reputable site, in my opinion.  If there is a concern, you can use this link and look for Kevin's blog.
That's why I never believe the success stories on pharma websites (i.e. but rather google out discussion forums for input from people suffering with the disease.  Even then you have to be careful. That is true.  We really can't believe ANYTHING that we read anymore.  Sad. I trust 2% of what I read on the net ....  and even at that percentage I've been duped!! [QUOTE=babs10]I trust 2% of what I read on the net ....  and even at that percentage I've been duped!! [/QUOTE]

LOLOL   Spelunking, anyone?