do i have to follow dr's advise please help | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone

Looking for advise or experiences.  I have just been diagnosed with RA.

GP sending me back to rheumy for treatment plan.  I have been on Arthrotec NSAID for 6 weeks now and still not feeling any better.  Joint stiffness and pain in both hands and fingers and left wrist. Also all toes where they join the foot.  I started feeling problems in my hands last Nov.  Question is I am very sensitive to drugs (always have different side effects) So of course I don't like taking any.  Has anyone out there just cont. with anti-inflamatories only and not went on to those DMARDs that I read about and were just fine?  Or will that only spell disaster for the worse pain or joint deformity?  I want to know if he prescribes predisone etc. can I turn it down or will I only damage myself worse?

Please give me your thoughts or experiences.

Thanks in advance

If your drugs aren't working to control the RA pain, they are not controlling the RA.  None of us "like" taking the drugs used to control RA, but the damage RA can do to the body is horrible and it can attack things other than joints!

No offense, but why would you pay good money to go to a specialist then not take his advice?  Have you discussed your treatment plan with him, telling him of your worries about side effects?  Why he wants you on these specific drugs and what results he expects?  What alternatives he may offer?

RA is nothing to self treat and statistics show early aggressive treatment is the key.  Its a very serious disease - it ain't grannies rheumatism!  We hire our doctors as professionals in treating a specific ailment and are free to go for another opinion or change doctors if we choose. (I have changed doctors several times because they were not available to discuss my disease, treatment, medications or answer questions during my visits.)

You always have the right to refuse treatment but if you do, you do so acknowledging the risk and be aware, he may dismiss you as a patient stating non-compliance. 

I don't mean to be harsh, just sensible and I am hoping you will talk to your doctor and discuss your worries.  Good luck!

By all means ignore your doctor's advice and instead take direction from a bunch of anonymous posters on the internet.  Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. GP is doing the right thing sending you back to the rheumy for a treatment plan, whether you do what a doctor suggests or not is entirely your call you just need to get your facts right before you make a decision.
