???/ sternum fracture | Arthritis Information


I have a non displaced sternum fracture, just 4 days ago. Looking for info as to how long does this take to mend etc... can't type anymore now .Lynn, this is good site for osteoperosis

Up date on my sternum ..... it is healing and I am mobile again. Whew!! I was really worried that it would never get better, but it has. Ya!!
I still need Tramadol but have stopped the Endone.
I also had a DEXA done this week and my spine is showing improvement and my hip just a small improvement since my last one 4 years ago.  Ya again!!!
Even thou I still have Osteoarthritis its encouraging to know that the Alcasta / Reclast appears to be helping.
sorry, I meant Osteoporosis I still have....
also have the other but cannot work out how to edit my previous post?
bumping this one up
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