Really? | Arthritis Information


[QUOTE=SnowOwl]I'm it?  The last word on the forum?  Where did you go?  Are you so afraid of imposters you won't risk putting your anonymous, and despite their being anonymous, words, out there to comfort others on the screen?    There are so many people who draw comfort from the stories of anonymous posters, and no they don't take those anonymous stories over the words of their medical caregivers, but they help, and those anonymous words really can turn someone to medical care they need.  So we don't usually know the real names, the addresses, of people who contribute their stories.  Maybe some of those stories are made up by people who feed on drama.  But does that make us superior to those people by withholding our real stories, our daily selves that speak to so many who are struggling?  We, the real people of RA, have a lot to offer.  Please don't hold that back from people who come looking.  Sure, we aren't doctors, aren't qualified to say anyone should do ABC for their health.  But, we can understand and give a hug and encouragement to someone looking for someone to encourage them to keep up the good fight.  We've been there, we are there, we understand.  So there are some trolls running loose, we spot them easily enough.  There are also real people with real pain who want and need to know they're not alone.[/QUOTE]

Amen to that Snow....It has been very quiet lately.
I've just have been in such a negative place, I haven't really felt like I have much to add.  I know, that is really no excuse.  I feel for the newbies-we have all been there.

Have I told you lately?  I love ya!!! 

this is a SUPPORT it not?
Sorry Snow. I have started to type a few post and it seems someone interupts me. My family has been a bit needy lately.
I guess that is how they deal with stress. I have no idea. My little brother has lost sixty pounds. Horray. He has been having some halusanations and it is heart breaking. He is doing better. I came home and switched with my Mom. That is she went to my sisters to babysit and I came home to watch my brother.
Arghh! Then my son says he is having trouble keeping down fatty foods. Pizza and chocolate milk. I said lactose intolerant. It is amazing how much better medicine works when someone can hold it down. So things are getting better. I tried to tell everyone to be patient. They just lost it. It was a hard thing to watch.
My older brother came home from Iraq. He totally does not understand what was going on. It was alot for him to take in. Just to here that our little guy was 290 lbs had to get an asthma inhaler and had elevated liver enzymes. Then he is having terrorising halusanations because of medicine changes.
The vomiting wow now thats been going on a long time. He had a gallstone and got his gallbladder out and they raised his prilosec. How did I miss the lactose intolerance? The doctors did but how did I. I am lactose intolerant.
Anyway he is doing much better. I told my Mom not to be afraid to come home. The doctor said if he is having trouble next week he will add something or do something? It is hard to medicate people and not hurt them sometimes. That is I want to have my cake and eat it too. I want to medicate my brother but not send him to an early grave.
I am not really anonymous here...but I have been very distracted lately. After I got over my flares, I had my son graduating BCT, now we are focusing on getting our home prepared to put on the market, we are selling and moving to FLORIDA! I am very excited for this. I miss my Daughter and my Grandson. My parents and 2 sisters and a brother all live there as well. I have popped in and read a few post. I just have low energy lately. but, I do care and I will say that even with all the ups and downs I have had on the board, I still find it the best on the net. Take care,
Oh Snow I took no offence. I understand so much what you meant. Hey I have been thier. We need each other and sometimes it really ( You know) when no one else is online to talk to.
I feel like grud. I have been wanting to post but just not able to. Sometimes it is my hands hurt or my brain explosions from stress or just busy. Today it is the yukies.
We are still here for you Snow. I want to answer everyones post. I feel like I have been neglecting the newbies. I have to wait till two or three in the morning sometimes to get any piece and quiet and get on the net.
I'm only a bloke who has severe RA and manages to take a few pics now and then. I'm not having any RA troubles; all the drama in my life is family crap that doesn't need to be aired here.

I've been away for a while now (just been busy with other things lately) but still have tried to look in every day for a bit.  I will say that I was shocked on how Sam was slammed.  Sam was good with most of her advice (I'm assuming Sam is female) and always was there for anyone new who came looking for some answers.  She was made to believe that there were many here that thought she went about things the wrong way.  So I guess my point here is you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

I'm certainly not looking to start anything here...just thinking that sometimes we need to really think about what we say....I'm pretty sure Sam was very hurt by some of the comments and that's why she hasn't been around.oh I would pay to come to the all Snow Owl show!!  [QUOTE=kelstev]

I've been away for a while now (just been busy with other things lately) but still have tried to look in every day for a bit.  I will say that I was shocked on how Sam was slammed.  Sam was good with most of her advice (I'm assuming Sam is female) and always was there for anyone new who came looking for some answers.  She was made to believe that there were many here that thought she went about things the wrong way.  So I guess my point here is you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

I think it's a combination of things.
  The weather is warmer, when people start feeling better, they spend less time of these kinds of boards and last but certainly not least...This board has been a little contentious for the past 6 months or so.
I'm happy to say that all the name calling and nastiness seem to have stopped.  I'm glad because I found it to be quite tiresome.
As for Sam...I don't know why she stopped posting and neither does anyone else.  I do notice a large influx of new posters.  I hope this trend continues
Now I'm off to plant some grass seed and play with the pups.
I hope you all enjoy the day!

There are hundreds of reasons not to post and just as many to post.  Personally, I've taken a break from the forums and the computer in general. 

It takes too much of my free time away from the things I should and/or want to do.  Until the last couple of weeks I've been in a severe flare due to no meds for the last 6 months or so.  Too much pain and anguish in my posts.  I have a tendency to look inward when I'm in pain and I don't share the pain.  Now that Simponi has started to work then I'll probably post more but not as much as before because I have a show coming up in November and I have inventory to make and design.  I need to make at least 2 substantial pieces of jewelry per week along with the smaller itmes until November. 
My son and several sets of friends have stopped to see us and spend time.  Also primaries are coming up and I'm always super busy in an election year.  I've spent the last 4 months writing grants for the non profit that I work for.  When you're in pain, grant writing is about the best thing you can do.  It keeps you focused on what's in front of you with no disturbances. 

There are times that I find the forum extremely disturbing and then there are times that it's most helpful but sometimes wading through it all to find the gems is downright exhausting.  For the time being it's calmed down.  I do read and PM.  When I have something to say, don't worry I'll post.  Lindy


Hi all, I don't have too much to say that hasn't been said other than its good to see you all again!  This place has been a wonderful source of strength to me and a font of information concerning my disease. 

Its terribly sad that some come to play cruel games for attention and take away from energy others need to deal with this awful disease.  To those few pretending to be someone else for fun I say just come be who you are because we are all ordinary and that is good enough!  You don't have to be someone *special* to be here, you just have to be you - having RA is *special* enough! 


There are hundreds of reasons not to post and just as many to post.  Personally, I've taken a break from the forums and the computer in general. 

There are times that I find the forum extremely disturbing and then there are times that it's most helpful but sometimes wading through it all to find the gems is downright exhausting.  For the time being it's calmed down.  I do read and PM.  When I have something to say, don't worry I'll post.  Lindy



Lindy! So glad to hear you are doing better!!  I have a friend in Kansas City area who, along with her DH, work for a non-profit and have been very very busy w/ the grant proposals!! I wish you the best with them!!  Visitors are always great!!  good to see you!

Babs, thanks - it's a crazy time of year for me and I'm glad I'm feeling better so I can handle all of it.

Snow, the moon has been incredible the last few nights and I understand your need to talk when it's full and shining.  Happens to me and I also get hyper.  Course I'm pretty hyper as it is so full moon means a lot less sleep for me.  We need to just enjoy it.  We don't want you to stay off the keyboard....we love ya, just the way you are - so there!!!!!! Lindy

couldn't have said that better, Lindy!!   *to Snow*  cheers!! I have not posted in a while mainly do to juggling everything in life rlght now, I am still a newby to all this and you guys have certainly helped me todeal with this disease. I remember in the beginning I thought I was losing it and then I found this board. I am a rather shy person anyway so I tend not to share much.
I have been on simponi for 6 months now, though I see improvement I am still having flares generally right b4 the next dose or during stressful periods.
I also just found out my mom has cancer.
I guess  what I am trying to say is please dont stop posting!! I was new to this and felt so alone, and you guys were very supportive . I am in a full blown flare at the moment and am in a lot of pain we have all said things when we are feeling like this that come out harsher than expected. I havent had anything personally that has not been affected in my life by this unforgiving disease!
I'm guilty of lurking and not posting, but it's only because sitting here at the pc HURTS!  I can't remember my log in info so I'm not able to use the boards on the laptop.
I haven't been in here in a while though and I didn't see what happened with Sam?? Were people mean?? Sam is a great person and it may be that she's not posting because she's working. She travels a lot. Whatever was said or done, I'm sure an apology is necessary somewhere in the middle.
I've been busy, busy! I'm doing a lot of work with my local support group, fundraising and promoting the Arthritis Walk and doing tons of volunteer work. Plus dealing with the kiddos and stupid RA. I like to put RA on the backburner but that bastard loves to be front and center.
Anyhow, just wanted to stop in,  touch base, give everyone my love and tell you I'M HERE!!! Hope you're all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day! Sorry, I haven't been posting much either. Between the new grandbabies and recovering from a knee replacement, there just hasn't been the time. I think of you all, and will try to get back into the swing of things soon.Hi Gale, A new knee!!!  Hope you're doing well.  I'm thinking about having my other one done next year.  Glad to see you posting and hug those grandbabies for each of us. 
Mel, you go girl!!!!!! Lindy
[QUOTE=CO_Mel]I'm guilty of lurking and not posting, but it's only because sitting here at the pc HURTS!  I can't remember my log in info so I'm not able to use the boards on the laptop.   I am running a fever. I must have caught the little boys virus at the waiting room of the doctors office when I went to get abx.
I have been sleeping alot the past few days.
I like this thread I am getting caught up on things I missed.
Gale a new knee may be the ticket for keeping up with the grandbabies when they get mobile.
Jas I would love to borrow your retreat. It sounds wonderful.
