help finding dr for my father | Arthritis Information


Both my parents and myself have RA.  My father has a very bad case of it and his hands and feet are swelling terribly and he can hardly get around anymore.  I am looking for a physician referral for the Memphis, TN area but will take advice for any area.  He has been to several and none of them seem to be able to give him any relief.  Lately his answer is to ask my mom to just put him out of his misery.  This breaks my heart so any advice or help that you could give me would be appreciated.  I am willing to put him on a plane to get him to the best doctor.


I can't help you for the area, I am in MI, but I would like to ask what meds do they have your father on and has his dr ever referred him to an rd.  Your dad is entitled to a second opinion and he can insist to see a specialist on that matter.  Is he still seeing a dr or has he stopped seeing him?  The dr is obligated to let your father get a second opinion.  It took me a very long time to get a dr to listen to me and finally insist I go to an Rd.  My regular dr had me on the all the wrong meds and the rd had me stop everything and gave me the correct meds to help me.   I am sorry i can't help you but hopefully this might help   On the left of the website is a section that says find physician, click on it and just follow the instructions.meme38474.1613888889

What do you mean "put him out of his misery"?  I hope I'm reading that wrong. I'd hate to think a doctor would suggest such a thing.  But yes, you do need to get him to a rheumatologist, or at the very least a second opinion.  I'm in MN, so I can't help either.  But I wish you luck in finding a good doctor or RD.


Hi Kait,

     I really feel for you.  I lost my father to prostate cancer almost 4 years ago, and seeing him suffer in pain was so difficult.  I am in Mexico right now, living here with my wife as missionaries, but our home in the states is in Arkansas, although I don't know any doctors to recommend.  I do have one recommendation.  It's something that has helped my wife's fatigue as well as asthma, and has helped many people with arthritis pain--it is nutritional supplements.  We had gotten to the point of desperation with my wife when we finally tried something like this, and were very pleased with the results.  That's just a recommendation, though, and I do hope that whatever you do and whatever doctor you find, you will find something to ease your father's pain.  Please email if there's anything we can do.

God bless, Kait.


Hi Karen,

My thoughts are with you and your family.  I'm sure seeing your father in his current condition is heartbreaking.  As all of us know with RA, the pain can make you feel absolutely crazy.  I'm not in your area but I did come across a site a few weeks ago that people talk about referrals and personal experiences on a message board.  Perhaps you will find some information there.  I'm not sure how good it is but what the heck, it doesn't hurt to take a look.  When you get to the site click on bulletin board.  You will see the posts on the left.  Good luck to you.  Peace & Love....Neasy
