Also need advice | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

I go see the rheumy next week. So far, I've just been on prednisone. I had
the whole body cortisone shot, which gave me a lot of movement back,
but didn't help my toes. Then I had injections in my toes & ankle (week &
a half ago) and a scrip for prednisone from my regular doctor - this is all
in the last month - it has allowed me to walk, but doesn't do a lot for the
pain. But we haven't started "treatment" yet. What can I expect? Is she
going to start me on plaquenil? Is that where I want to start? Will I have to
stay on the prednisone, as well? Is anyone on statins (I've read that they
show some promise in trials). Is there anything I DON'T want? It's March,
and they haven't actually done anything for me since this started in
October, and I'm more than ready, even though it's scary. Are there any
things I should ask? Thanks for any advice!



This is a fairly good discussion on predisone and the opinions of it here amoung our memebers. mp;PN=3

Although a great place to start you definately need to have your doctor working in a different direction long term.

I don't have much time this morning....but read though this topic and do some poking around on the site. RA can progress very rapidly if left untreated. Research different DMARDS and go well informed to your next appointment.

Show early on that you are taking an active role in your treatment. You'll gain early respect from your RD and it will go a long way in forming a positive relationship with a doctor that's likely to be in your life for a very long time to come.

Best of luck to you. I'll look for you more often in the future to see if I might can be more helpful.


I would say you will likely be started on a DMARD and the doseage slowly increased.  Don't be afraid, it may take a little trial and error to find the right combo of drugs that will work for you.  Don't get frustrated, this will take time as well.  Most Rheumys will go with standardized treatments that have a proven track record.  I'm sure your doctor will go over all the benefits and risks to the drug of their choice.  Let them do their work, this is why they are the docs.  Although some people have side-effects with certain drugs that does not mean that everyone does, so its a wait and see thing.  If you have problems, then something else will be tried. 

If you are placed on Methotrexate then you will want folic acid supplementation as it will prevent side effects.  Other DMARDs do not necessarily require this.  Also be prepared to have your blood tested relatively frequently.  They are watching for signs of toxicity and also signs of improvement. 

Hope that helps.
It does help - anything helps. I went from a fully-functioning person to
severely debilitated almost overnight, and while I can walk now & button
things and turn on lights (I couldn't do any of that in December), I'm
hardly normal anymore. And I guess I'm just starting to come to grips
with the fact that I never will be again. So to think of a lifetime on serious
drugs? I haven't wrapped my head around that yet. I keep expecting to
wake up & find it all gone. Now, it's March, and I've been dealing with it
for 5 months, and I'm starting to realize it's here to stay. When I asked
the doctor last month how long I'd have to be on medicine, she said, "For
the rest of your life." That had never, ever occurred to me before. I've only
ever taken advil - well, Vioxx for a very brief time. That's it!

I've looked at a lot of arthritis/drug sites, and they say, clinically, what
they do to/for you, but I'm interested in the every day stuff - like my
hair's going to fall out, and it swells and hurts, and how people really
react to side effects, and how much it helps. It's better to go in having a
little bit of an idea what she's going to suggest and how much I want that.
Statins interest me, because I'm older than many of you, and sooner or
later, I'll probably be on them anyway. It would be nice if they did double

Thanks for any replies. I appreciate it.

Lee~Try not to focus on the negatives. RA is a serious illness....but it's also a managable one in many, many cases. You'll eventaully learn to focus on the positives and not so much on the negatives. That's really hard to go in the beginning when it's all so new to you and things seem to be so uncertain for you.

Yes; the majority of us will be on medications for the rest of our lifes. I've been at this for quite sometime now....and only once did I try to go without the meds. That was a mistake I learned early on. Even when you begin to feel better; it's likely only as a result of proper medication. Without it you'll quickly turn into a statue. (Just my personal experience)

I managed for many years of weaker DMARDS like sulfersalizine, plaquinel and various antiinflamatories. I rarely if ever had any side affects from the meds. Slowly but surely we've increased as the disease has progressed. Fast forward a good 12 years and I'm on stronger medications like MTX, Humira and various pain killers and muscle relaxers. I suspect these meds are beginning to affect my stomach. Hair loss? None noticable for me. Weight gain? Off and on through the years mainly due to predisone.

Although we can all sit here and tell you our experience it might only do more harm than good. I think often the stuff we are reading causes far more worry than nessesary. Every person is different. Their bodies are different. They'll react a different way to every medication and even to the disease it's self.

There are various degrees of severity as well. It's a progressive illness so the future is rather uncertain for us all no matter how mild a care you may have in the beginning.

For me I've found that a positive attitude and a very strong faith gets me through even my roughest days. Try not to focus so much on the future and try to make the best of the day you are given.

Some think that's hog wash but for me it's helped me live a happy life despite my difficulties. Granted it took me years to come to this realization but it's made all the difference in the way I manage life with a chronic illness.

Try not to get into a patter early on where you sit around all day and think about how bad you feel. Even when you do feel bad make every effort to get moving and have something else in your day besides RA. It's very, very easy to let RA rule your life if you let it. Decide early on that you are going to be in control...not the other way around.

It does get easier as things go along. Easier mentally....not always physically.


I am brand new to all of this myself, but what I think of is my quality of life.  I am prepared to deal with medications, but I see how well my mom lives now with her medications after ten years. 

I believe the best thing you can do for yourself at this point, at least how I see it for myself, is to keep positive about fighting for your health.  Your outlook can really impact your health.

I still feel extremely low some days and I deal with one day at a time.  I think it has really helped me to have seen the last ten years of my mom's experience to know what I am in for. 

I think it is harder emotionally than physically.  Physical, you can point to it and see it and know what it is.  Emotional is the unseen mixed up confusion and the feelings that change day to day and moment to moment. 

Try to encourage yourself to fight this disease.  I know that we are all strong women that can do what we set our minds to.  Don't let the disease grip you further by living your life in fear.  I have those worries too, but I do all I can not to let them consume me.  And some days are harder than others.

They have great medical science and technology that was not available a short 10 years ago.  Take care of yourself with your diet and exercise all you can and let the doctors help you.  You will get through this and live a long and happy life if you work for it.  It won't always be easy, but I see how happy my mom is now, and she inspires me to know that I will get better than I am now.  I am on no medication and have been flaring for two  months and want to die some mornings, but I won't feel this way forever. 

This is a dark hard time for you and many of us, but it is important to acknowledge the loss and then regain yourself and your power by facing the truth and arming yourself with all the knowledge you can.  Learn all there is to know about how to help yourself in all those minutes and hours you don't have anyone to help support you.  I am giving you this peptalk for myself as well as you, because I understand those feelings you have.

There are many many people who get up, take their meds, have a small struggle with morning stiffness and by the time they are on their way to work, feel just fine.

I had a 4 year period that felt like I had gotten over RA. 

I'm like that for the most part. I get up everyday (cept weekends

Just because you have RA does not mean you are going to be disabled in 20 years. Yes; there maybe weeks or months where your knees will bother you and you'll get quite aggrevated at the stairs. Yes; there will be times when one thing or another will annoy you to no end...but if you are determined to make a good life for yourself despite your limitations you can do it.

There will come a day when you are at the doctors office....or maybe even at the mall and you'll look over to see someone who has some sort of horrible handicap. You'll say to yourself "This really isn't all that bad". Things could be a whole lot worse.

We all get down. Even those that don't suffer with a chronic illness get down in the dumps and worry about a situation until they drive themselves mad and soon become depressed. We have every reason to get depressed. Let yourself be sad at times....but try to remind yourself of the good things.

Thanks again everyone. I hope next week we actually start doing
something. I feel as though we're wasting time, and I want to get to work
- but a little nervous about it all. I've read everything I can find on all of
these drugs, but I guess the answer is, we all react differently to different
treatments, so I have to dive right in & see what happens. Wish RA came
with a little answer book.

Hello and Welcome!

I know it is difficult to sort out all of the info. Let me first suggest that you go through the posts from the last few weeks and read up on some of the threads about doctor visits. We have just recently touched on this very topic. Also I would like to recommend a very good book from the popular series "for dummies"--"Arthritis for dummies". I picked my copy up in a drug store but I am sure Barnes and Noble has it or can get it for you. It is wonderful.

There are factors which go into the doctors choice of meds based on your medical history, allergies, rate of progression of the disease, and other medications that you are currently taking and  ones that you have had in the past with no therapuetic results.  Also what works for one may not for another and what makes one person sick as a dog may have no adverse effect on another person. When you read up on the side effects of the drugs you may be offered it will scare the hell out of you.  The truth is that the side effects of all drugs are pretty scarey. We just dont think about the more common ones.  You do need to know the side effects of the drugs that you take. Just dont let it intimidate you (much).  I was really scared when I first started on fact I only took half the dose. Then I started with my regular dose the next week. I am not saying that this is what you should or should not do...just that I am a nurse, I give people all kinds of meds all of the time, and I still get stressed over some of the things that RA has brought with it.  I had a meltdown the day before I even started MTX.  Its okay, its normal, and we all pretty much go through it...but it is like jumping off of the high diving board for the first time. You just have to close your eyes and go for it. Most of the time you go in with a little splash and then you come out and say with a smile "That wasnt so bad, I could even do that again!"  Every once in a while though, you do a belly-buster instead. And you cry a little bit. But in the end your still okay. 

Hang in there...we are here for ya!

This is a very scary disease. I still don't know if I'm seronegative or seropositive, the test results still haven't come in. My RD says that the seronegative is better to have than seropositive. Is that true. One site I looked on said that some RD's think you can have as much joint damage from seronegative as with the positive. Does anyone know?? I still think like some of you that this is going to go away. I hope everymorning that I will just jump out of bed and away I go. I have only been dealing with this since Dec 05. I can't believe that this is going to be a life long thing. My husband keeps asking if I feel any better and I finally asked him if he wanted me to lie and say yes because I really thinks he feels everything will be back to normal once the meds kick in. I tried to tell him that I don't think things will ever be "normal" again to the degree they were. Am I wrong?

From what I've seen, Jayaz, this IS normal now. It's just another part of
who we are. My doctors are both encouraging and discouraging at the
same time.

I'm learning to plan less. No vacation this year. When we built our house, I
had things done so they could put in wheel chair ramps for my mother-
in-law if it came to that. Now, I think I'm in worse shape than she is. I
never thought I'd be doing it for me - or for me NOW.

I think you & I will figure out in another year how much of an impact it's
going to have, and how we're going to cope. I have a friend whose
husband has cancer. He's terminal, but he's hanging in there. One day, he
was a normal person, and the next, his life was taken over by his disease.
They gave him 18 months, but he's still alive - he went abroad last
summer & is going on vacation this year. He gives me courage.

We have to learn to be flexible. Well, I have to learn to be flexible - some
people are born that way. I like to plan things out. I'm with you I like to plan things out but now I just have to wait to see how I feel at that time. I never used to be able to take naps in the day time but now it is getting to be a habit for me. The only problem with that is my employer doesn't go along with afternoon naps. Ha! Ha! Well I guess we all will figure this out together and go on from here. I can't imagine getting any worse than I am now but I guess I will have to start entertaining that possiblity.I've started taking naps, too. And when I sleep, I can walk, and run, and
play the piano, and do all those things I love to do - in my dreams.
Hmmm. Zzzzzzzz.I loveeeeeeeee  my naps!!  Unfortunately they last three to four hours, then I'm back in bed by 9 PM!  Sometimes they help, sometimes they don't, just tired of being tired!  I feel so lazy and inadequate!

I'm not real sure on the seronegative thing...but I do think it's likely you'll have a milder case....but that term mild is loosely used.

12 years ago I was dx'ed before the blood work even came back from the lab. She was a firm believer in aggressive treatment. Turned out I was "seronegative" but that didn't have much merit with her. She thought it needed to be treated the same either way and we never even mentioned blood work again.

I assume alls been fine all along. Years later I see a different RD because she moved. (Loved her!! Dr. Summers; she moved to Florida) just recently my SEDS rate was increased. My RD sends me a note every time I have a blood test. Pretty much just says positive or negative. Normal....increased; that kind of stuff. This past time it said SEDS rate increased. I call my nurse and she said it was like 35. I asked her what was normal because I didn't even know. She said anything over 20 was considered high. I've since talked to several folks who have far higher than that.

My point is; I really believe that aggressive DMARD treatment early on has bought me a lot of time. Yes; it's progressed....but I think the folks I've heard of that are RF Positive seem to progress quicker than I have. I can't speak for all with negative results....cause I'm not sure that would be true.

I have had symptoms for at least 6 years but none so severe as in the past 6 weeks.  When I couldnt walk was when I finally went to a Rhuematologist. I always pretty much new that I had RA, but my logic was that I would never take "chemo drugs" as long as the pain wasnt slowing me down. I should have sought help sooner because I my xray did show some joint damage (very mild) and I am serum negative.  I did have tests done years ago in the doctors office and I was refered to a RD at that time b/c tests were negative. But I put it off and ended up not going.  It does make a difference when you start treatment right away.I'm off the prednisone again, so I can't walk, again, and all my knuckles
are swelling. Owwww! I dread going on it and I dread going off it. I have
to hold on until Wednesday when I see the rheumy - and I'm going to
push to start treatment, even though it's frightening. I don't want the
joint damage, Crunchy - or at least, not for another 20 (30, 40, 50) years.

Can you get injections of plaquenil, or do you have to take pills? I don't
handle medicines very well. The prednisone makes me sick. The Tylenol 3
made me heave. I don't mind shots, and they're quick.

Fiona, know just where you're comin from.  I'm not a young chick by any means, (58), and this disease "knocked me out 2 yrs ago.  My bigest problem was that I have severe osteo arthritis, and am also seronegative, so wasn't referrred to a rd for 2 years.  I also couldn't do anything.  Had to work, so simply didn't do anything else.  the fatigue, anemia,pain was horrible.  but when I was finally seen by a rd, was dix'd without xrays, blood tests, or anything esle.  Hopefully, you'll have an rd like mine.  very aggressive, Plaquenil, 2 wks later, 10mgs, mtx (upped to 20, 4 wks later) and then on to remicade.  You WILL be better!  I honestly just wanted to die, from the pain I had, and the pain I was causing the ones who love me.  But I'm very much like my old self.  I still have stiffness, and pain (actually today is very bad) but for the most part I have my life back.  Don't give up, and don't be so afraid of the warnings on the drugs.  Give them a chance.


IT is an physical therapy nature and safe external use.
It cure RA quickly.
From the time you knew this RA will not long boughter you. It will change the arthritis world.
www.fomengbag.comyou will go back to normal with fomentbag.
IT is an physical therapy nature and safe external use.
It cure RA quickly.
From the time you knew this RA will not long boughter you. It will change the arthritis world.
ok seriously i dont think anyone cares GOOO AWAY don't say it that way. soon you will change your mind. this one is ture. not joking. i guranente you that. because i have thousands of  clinic test result. i knew people who had RA and after use this they didn't get pain for ten years.
there are a lot people cheating. but this one is not.
it realy will help a lot of people.
you own me  an  apology.
i do not like the way you talk to me. haishibushuohao38794.9419560185ok id be inclined to belive you if i could get into your website and see what you are trying to sell us but posting the same thing a dozen time is quite redundent, we all see it once thats all you need to do.  and untill i am proved otherwise i owe no one an appology except for the person that started this post and to you (sorry not sure who exactly) i appologize that this is how your post gets takeni have no experience to post.
and i wondering what do you need to prove.
one more thing whatever people do it is no good at all to say that way.
people should know to expect each other.
so what did you say it is not enought for an excuse
well i would like to go onto your website for one.  and the reason i say that is i left here originally cause of people comming on here using our pain and suffering and whatever else to sell this soposed miricle cure they had and i for one find that very dishonerable for lack of a better word... Please PM me and we can further discuss this for i would like to keep this post open to for those that are going to post on the topic at handi would like to talk in publick. even my english is horrible.
and for this product i can tell you the only arthritis not working is spondylitis ankylopoietica. and for the rest it working very well. and it cure the most. what i said here is by nearly 20 years observe. thousands of people. especially for RA it working great. not 100% cure but i can say 80%. for cease pain maybe 100%.

Look Mr. haishi bu whatever, when you can learn how to speak our language and type English CORRECTLY and then  form grammatical sentences correctly then write . And then when you can sell your idea to the Rheumatologists in the US with your cure, and they tell us it is ok, then fine, but trying to sell it here is a really bad idea! While you are at it,  just walk on in to the Food and Drug Administration and have them take a look at your wonderful  cure and you will not only be a millionare in American dollars, but you will get on the news here in America, you may even make it to the talk shows. BUT until that time, myself and the others here would greatly appreciate it....which means that we would be ever so thankful, if you would not ADVERTISE your cure here.

IF it was a cure, American scientists as well as other renounded scientists around the world (A scientist is a person that studies science, not a fake  advertiser( meaning artificial... herbal cures). would have recommended it for Rheumatologists to prescribe to their patients.

We have a serious bone and tissue/immune disorder disease here, we do not need your lies and your sneaky ways. If you were for real, you would have introduced yourself, told us what state you live where do you live? Tell us that!

We need to turn this person in to the government and to the FDA...whatya say fellow AI group?


First off you moron...."""""".i guranente you that. because i have thousands of  clinic test result. """"""""""""""

you cannot spell...and there is no such thing as

THOUSAND CLINIC RESULT. Do not...I repeat, do not MOCK our clinical research and medical community. We as patients take great offense when you mess with our Dr.'s ok???????? Stay away you quack( which means a fake or false medical person)

GO AWAY SELL YOUR PRODUCT TO ANOTHER PART OF THE WORLD....we are smarter than to try your cure.

Sorry fellow Arthritis Insighters, this guy is clogging up our option would be to ignore, report and ignore once again. Can he be blocked from the site?

YOU owe the peole at AI an apology! Now when you have the disease, and do the suffering, then get  approved by the FDA and my rheumatologist you will be more respected.


badbones38795.0430092593no.1 it is not drug. it is physical therapy.
no.2 i know my english is bad. then you can try to read. if you want to use this product after my english become good, i think you can forget about it.
no.3 i is realsed today for sale. if you want to report of fda or whatever who is charge you just go ahead. i would be glad.
no.4 you can just wait the news. it will be very soon thing.

ok that was aweome!!  i can post someone here for free. to prove the result.


sure make posts but dont do it on someone elses post that is looking for advise when theres no real proof that what your doing is real. We saw your first post thats all you need to do, if anyone was interested we would have replyed to you on that one.  Quit bothering us.  We will listen once the FDA or any other dr says this is a good thing. And also we cant get onto you website to even see what the heck you are talking about....

i will check the web. and you can wait the fda or whatever. and i said post someone to prove is not as dirty trick as you say. haishibushuohao38795.0624768519i just checked my website. can you tell me which country why so that i see why you can not open.
USAi just check with my host company. it is located in LA. they said they can open the web. r you sure you still can not open the website. thank you.
nope still cant get to the website...maybe you should just leave us alone thank you.
they have post this to level 2 technical support. i will try to fix it .
thank you for let me know that you can not open.
if you have RA you can let me know how is looks like. i can post one for you for free. if you want.
it is not drug anyway. up to you

haishibushuohao38795.0820486111Who ever you are please leave us alone. No one hear wants anything you are trying to pass off as a cure. People like you ruin great sites like this for all of us that need the support not snake oil remedies!! Go AWAY!!!Is there any kind of moderator for this site? We need someone who can
ban these morons.the cure what i am talking about maybe is 50%
but for ra cease pain i can say maybe 99%
