bursa injection | Arthritis Information


Afternoon evening  all. I am back from RD and found out that the insurance did not approve the remicade. In their wisdom the powers that be at my insurance,  feel that we haven't given the enbrel a fair chance to do it's thing. They argue that my sed levels aren't high enough to justify the switch to remicade just yet. Well that's a fine howdy doo.

On another note. I  have been having trouble with my right shoulder past few days. It  is not the first time either. I have servere pain and limited rom. hard to use it for much of anything. So I mentioned it to  my RD and she suggested an injection. (will have it next Friday) Yikes I have never had one.  Has anyone had one in the shoulder for the RA problems?? I do not like needles  at  all. Especially big ones.  Is this a sign of things to come??

mom2threeinaz2010-05-04 17:04:57I wish I could help ya here.  I haven't had any injections in my shoulder.  Hopefully it will be quick and your shoulder will feel like a brand new shoulder.    I've had them in my shoulders when I had adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) and I can't say that they were too uncomfortable.  Ones in my hands really hurt

AnnI have had a few. My tendon swells so badly that my arm quits working all together sometimes. I have not had one for a year. I had two last year and probably could use another one.

They will probably numb it with a spray first. You should do just fine. It takes about a day to actually really work but it will help.
I've had two lots in my shoulders Mom, and must say it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be!  They were the first cortisone shots I ever had too, so I was pretty scared. Truly, my shoulders were locked right up at the time, couldn't raise my arms at all - they had been like that for a week!  So just a slight quick discomfort with the injection (and it wasn't a huge needle) and by the next morning, wow - I couldn't believe it when I woke up - I had actually slept all night and could move my shoulders.  I felt like flying!!  He did my wrists as well that same day, and that was the same - so then I felt I could fly and flap!!
So hang in there and let's know how it goes.
Slight discomfort of the injection is well worth it when the pain stops IMHO I really do love needles; the sewing kind that is. Thanks everyone I feel a little better hearing everyone stories I've had injections in my hands, feet and knees.  The relief the shots provide is well worth the discomfort you may get when getting injected.  Even though I hate the injections, they are a necessary evil for my knees to function properly. Good luck and think positive!! It will be over in a minute!Oh, yeah, both shoulders, a hip, spine etc. If it's going to work, it's like a miracle. If you are squeamish about needles, don't look at this one.....

gave me almost immediate relief in my shoulders and hip. The spine was not so good.I've had an injection in the bursa of each hip.  The RD did an excellent job of not causing me any discomfort.  Well worth the needle to get relief from the pain.Thanks everyone who has given me your advice and thoughts and shared your experiences. I appreciate it. I am nearing the day and must say I am not as nervous as I was before. Thanks for all of your support.
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