Apitherapy as an alternative treatment | Arthritis Information


I have just started BVT Bee Venom Therapy as a way to kick the RA and get off the meds.
The more I dig into all the things BVT can do for the human body as a way to kick start your own system and to take care of the RA, the more I see it as something that the AMA would want to squelch because they cant make any money. Its been around for over 100 years as a Arthritis cure.
I'm sure that this will shake up some people but all the treatments (i.e. current drugs) only curb the symptoms and don't get to the cause of our problems as in a cure.  BVT jump starts the body's natural system to work on the problem we have and over come it.

Interested, check it out

An update on my treatments:
 I have dropped my Predsnone from 10mg to 2.5 on days that I sting and 5 on the others. on the days that I sting the pain in my hands and wrists reduces more than when the meds finally kick in on the non sting days. The Goal is to be off the Pred. in 2 mo. and that should be about the time I will have kicked this thing.


Update on Treatment
As of Monday I have had over 500 stings and figure that I am about 1/2 the way done. It also looks like I will be off the Prednisone by the end of the month. I am taking 2.5 mg on the non sting days and none on the days that I sting. I am up to 24 stings three times a week I also take raw honey, Propolis, Royal Jelly, Pollen and extra Vit. C.
I have been told that a week after I have stopped the Prednisone I can reduce the amount of stings because  the two wont be fighting each other. As it stands I am happy with my progress so far.
I also would be happy to answer any questions!

Update on Treatment
Today is 15 days off the Prednisone, Yea no meds at all. Starting to feel a lot better, reduced the stings to 16 a session now because of no Prednisone.  Am hoping to feel 100% better by the middle of Oct. 
Well the end of Oct is here and I feel 98% better than I did a year ago. I have not taken any meds since the end of Aug.  The stinging has reduced my pain to almost nothing. I am still taking Honey, Propolis, Royal jelly, Pollen and 1500mg of vitamin C daily.  I am reducing the amounts of those down as well.
  I still over do physical activity from time to time, I cut a cord of firewood and felt the pain a little the next day but not bad enough to go back to the meds. I have been cutting wood for a week now and I plan on cutting more wood in the morning, I am starting to feel like my old self again. I wouldn't have been able to do all this last spring. I have only been stung once this week and we will see about next week. I might even sting every other week. I will soon be running out of bees for the winter, I am pretty sure that I won't need them by then. Next week I plan on visiting my MD to do some tests just for my own satisfaction . He knows what I'm doing and told me that if it works its great.

If any body wants more Info check out
Or I will be glad to pass on any info or questions.
Good luck to ya all

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