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Did you happen to get the license plate of the truck that just hit me?

What the heck, I thought I was past all the flares...the last 4 months have been a total stress for me. I have been "pushing" through all the pain and problems I have been experiancing, my symptoms seem to swing wildly back and forth. It makes me dizzy thinking about them all. I have a rheumy appointment next Wensday at the Cleveland clinic. It is a follow up from the last flare I had.
Here is the thing, I feel really unwell today, woke up and could hardly move. My hands are so swollen. I am going to take pictures of them and post them so you can see what I am talking about. I really feel so crummy.  My brother and 3 of his friend are coming to stay for the weekend, They are golfing with my husband in a golfing tourney. I wish I could just hide. No strength and no energy. I also got a huge fever blister, I get one when ever I get ran down and flare. I have a prescription I keep on hand, I take them and they really help resolve the Fever blister quickly.
I am really tired, just very very tired. I also have a visit to my Rheumy comming up next Wensday. Then in several weeks I travel to Columbus to my Neuro. Just thinking about those short trips makes me tired.
I am sorry, I am just whining and feeling sorry for myself. I hate complaining, I try to keep my mouth shut around family and friends, I do not want to always be complaining and talking about my pain.
I have a fear about taking more predisone....
Thanks for listening....I know this post sort of rambles....
I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so badly.  I hope the appt. with your RD helps and things start to calm down for you.
Until then, try and rest...You sound like you need a little TLC right now...We women have to remember...It's okay to not be superwoman
and a little whine is good for the soul!
Sending a big hug your way Aww...sorry you're feeling so rough, Lisa.  Hope it doesn't last too long.
Make sure you rest!
Lisa, I say hide!  If you had the flu, wouldn't you stay in bed?  Put in an appearance and let DH take them for golf and play an extra round!  He could take them out to eat afterward and bring you some take out.  You've pushed through the pain for months, now give a little and take it easy.  Your brother will understand and he'll still love you!   I'm sorry you're having a set back.  I'm with Waddie - hide - just rest.  Sometimes we need it.  I hope you feel better ASAP. hope tom will be a better day!!! I live on caffeine!!! the fatigue really sucks... take care..I hope you are resting. Maybe things will turn around soon. Thanks for venting. I like for people to be honest on the forum. If no one else vented about pain I would feel like there was something incredibly wrong with me.
Let us know what the doctors say. You can always take  a laptop to hide with you so you do not get too lonely.
Thanks everyone, I most certainly keep going...but my "go" has just about gone...
I rested yesterday for the most part. Didn't even hang on the PC. Putted around house , and rested.  I am taking a deep breath , putting a smile on my face and greeting my brother and his friends today.  They do spend most the day at the Golf course and they have dinner there at the club, some auction thing that is involved with the Rotary Tournament,...So I do not have to feed anyone. (thankful for that)
This morning stiffness and pain in my joints is the pitts. I find it weird how it improves as the day goes on. (providing I do not try to overdo or do to much of anything physical)
I need to post the pics of my hands. They look awful and feel the way they look.
It will be interesting to see what my Rheumy has to say Wensday.
I hope everyone  has a great weekend :)
((((LISA)))  I am so sorry you are fighting the fight right now.. So sorry you're suffering!!

I agree w/ waddie...and I love milly's post!!

Come here.. let it out!!  We all understand and hope that you know that!!

I will keep you in my thoughts.. sending wishes and hopes that all things improve very quickly.. in the meantime... take care of  you..   *hugs*
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well.  Hope things get better soon.
Hi Lisa, I know it's hard for you right now but I love your attitude......put on a pretty face and push on, that's been my mantra for a very long time and you know it works.  At least for me it works.  I hope that you start feeling better, any positive change will be better.  I've fought that battle for the last 8 months and I see light at the end of the tunnel - I'm just hoping it's not the engine barreling on through.  Come here and vent, we'll give you either tough love or many hugs.  Keep us posted.  Lindy Thanks Ladies. I made it through the weekend! They men left very early this morning to get back home for various plans with their families. They live in Akron, about 2 hours away.
I am lazing here in bed still, I think I just pushed my self and have been overdoing things. I thought my appointment was this coming week but I was wrong, it is the wensday the 19th! Glad I checked my calendar. I would of been upset to travel three hours one way on the wrong day.
Thanks ladies.

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