Do you carry a Medical alert card? | Arthritis Information


I read that it's a good idea for PMR patients to carry a medical alert card stating that they are on daily dosage of Prednisone. I just added a medical alert ID card to my wallet as this seems like a good idea.  I also purchased one of those Med ID USB key-chains so I could have lots of information handy in case of emergency. My med-ID card states, "see key-chain for more info". This USB key-chain has a self-contained program (MSWord template) where you enter any important information that emergency personnel would need.  For instance: Name, Address, DOB (no SSAN), medical condition(s) you suffer from, medications you're taking, allergies, list of Doctors with phone numbers, ICE (in case of emergency) contact list.  I also added my history of surgeries... and of course my health insurance information. All a doctor or nurse has to do is plug this USB device into a computer and a screen pops up and offers the user to view or print the medical information.  With my information, it prints out 3 pages.  If you need to change anything or update some information, it's easy to plug it into your computer and make those changes.

If interested, I there are a couple of links below that offer these.  Please note:  I have no affiliation with this company, just sharing some information.

Red Metal Medical Alert wallet card (free engraving) examples what to have on card