Any Support Groups in Boston, MA? | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

I am having a hard time dealing with my RA diagnosis.  I currently have little pain, but I am scared of what my future will hold in terms of medication and life quality.  I'm only 27 and have never had health problems before.

I've tried to read message boards but I end up crying every night.  I think I would do better if I could meet other RA survivors in person.  Does anyone know of a support group in Boston (or where I can find one?).  If not, would anyone be interested in starting one?

Thanks! :-) 

Here are two links. Possibly some help for you. You might also call hospitals in your area for support groups. Good Luck.

RozBuds idEvent=20306&EventType=E&idChap=27 idEvent=10545&EventType=E&idChap=27

Hi Twilight and welcome. I too am worried about the long term effects of RA. We don't really know. There are new medicines out there that are changing the course or RA so we have to be hopeful. It takes a lot of trial and error to find the right combination of meds to hold the disease at bay. I went through 8 years of spiraling debility before I finally got the right diagnosis. I'm actually feeling better than I did before the meds although I could feel a lot better. Some like prednisone work immediately and make a huge difference.  They have negative side effects down the road so most docs try to get you off them as soon as possible.  I've been on for a year and a half with no terrible ill effects. Plaquanil can make you dizzy and cause visual disturbances in some people.  I had trouble at first but have more or less adjusted.  Methetrexate can cause stomach trouble although it didn't affect me that way. It makes me tired the next day. It has done a lot to bring down the inflamation. If you take it with folic acid, the side effects are reduced. Enbrel has few side effects for most people. I've had a site reaction that is getting less and less bothersome. I'm on all of these meds and the disease is under enough control that I'm still working full time.

Doctors are aggressive now with medication right at the begining of the disease  because deformity can happen early. Having a lot of medication doesn't necessarily mean that you are extra sick.

I think a support group at home is a good idea. Many hospitals have them. I go to one for fibromyalgia from time to time and one for arthritis. So far the best support I've found is right here on this message board. Let me know how you're doing.

The arthritis foundation website has some local events and groups listed.  I have never gone to a support group but would like to, maybe. This is so much more convenient. I can come here on my time and in my PJs, no driving or getting out in the weather.  It works for me but I still wish yall lived on my street or something. Then we could have block parties and pot-luck dinners too!Hi Twilight_muse,

Hello and welcome!

Hey guess what? I am from Boston, MA and if possible, I would love to meet you!

I have had RA for about 4 years now. Yes, it's tough to deal with and can be very depressing. When I was first diagnosed, my doctor didn't want me to join these message boards so I never did until last year. I don't agree with him at all! I find these boards very helpful! I believe only people who go thru what we do, know exactly how we feel (litereally). I don't like talking to people about RA who don't have it cause I know they will never understand and sometimes they look at me like I have 3 heads!

Do you have an e-mail address so I can e-mail you?
I'd love if we could meet someday!

Feel better, we are all here to support you!

Hi all,

Thanks so much for your messages.  I will definitely check out the sources you mention.

Pain_Relief: please do drop me an email.  My address is

Thanks so much - looking forward to hearing from you!

~Pallavi  :-)
