To The Ladies on this board | Arthritis Information


I just wanted to let all of you know that after just joining this group a few days ago I have come to see some incredible things in each of you. In spite of the challenges with this disease, I am in awe at the strength, courage, sensitivity, compassion, wisdom, and humor that all of you carry to this board. There is comfort in the camaraderie that goes on. I feel blessed to have found all of you. You have made a very scary journey bearable. Thank  you

AAAWWW! Thanks Hearts.  I love this board too. It has a lot of really great people on it.  We are kind of like a big family that laughs, crys, and vents together. Not very many people understand what it is like to go through this disease; but here you get all of the support and understanding you need. I have found it to be very therapuetic. I am on here just about everyday.  I agree with you totally...there are some that have been through alot and are still is very inspiring.Yeah, I am very new here and already feel so much relief in having peers and readin everyone's stories.  It gives me perspective and gives me knowledge that leaves me with less fear.  This site is most excellent. 

I started coming here a little less than a year ago now. I spent so many years feeling all alone in this battle. I knew there were others out there like me....but where were they?

It's so nice to have a group of friends that know your daily struggles. There maybe days when most people don't know I have anything wrong with me....but there's not a day that goes by that I forget. Our friends here know that feeling.

Makes the struggle bearable like you said Hearts; and we're glad you've joined us.

Thank You hearts....what a nice thing to say...

Welcome to AI and I hope you continue to enjoy your time here. 

We all sure know how to adapt...maybe it is because females have too, since we are the child bearers.  The men are astonishing too.  They give a lot of great support to and don't mind yakking with us ladies...As Martha Stewart would say "that's a good thing. "  is she still around after her fall out with the man... D T?

In this doesn't matter what gender we are.  We all walk the same paths.

Hope you are having a wonderful day,


I am looking forward to a day when I don't think about my RA but until that day comes I am so thankful that you all are here.  It keeps me from obsessing and gives me hope more than you know.  I sincerely care about everyone on here and hope to give more support than I receive someday.  I am still at the coping/grieving stage and it has been a year.  I am better and I totally credit AI and my family.  This group is wonderful. I only discovered you a few weeks ago but now I find I have to log on at least once a day. What a bunch of bright compassionate people. I'm learning more here than at the doctor's office.

LOL...This website is a joy and much needed in all of our Lives.


Ahh what a huge compliment for everyone. It is so comforting to know that there are actually so many people out there that care. This disease is so darned difficult at times it does the soul good to know that other people really do understand and are supportive.

Really bad Rheumatoid week this week so I didn't post much nor reply but a few times. This weather has been  a toughy! Glad to know that there are people out there that help with direction and knowledge of this RA.

I myself only recently stumbled onto the group, I have been researching my own conditions and just happened to view the message boards. THIS SITE AND THE CARING SOULD HERE ARE GREAT !! Some have given me the wisdom of words to continue digging into what is going on in my body, and Im not stopping until I find the answer's. Thanks to all of those that have inspired me to climb the mountain of hope, your all great.