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Dear Mr. Levlarry:
I would like to update you on your recent lab results:
Hemoglobin A1C gives us information about your sugar or glucose levels over the past three months.
A normal A1C is below 6
Your Hemoglobin A1C: 5.5  (05/03/10 08:00)
You do not have diabetis.
These tests show if you are anemic:
Hemoglobin: 15.1  (05/03/10 08:00 )
Your results are normal
These test for kidney function and chemical balance:
Coll. date:          05/03/10  08:00     04/05/10  07:00            
Test Name                    Result                Result           Units           Range
Glucose                           88                       92             mg/dl          73-115
Urea Nitrogen                 12                         6 L          mg/dl            8-  20
Creatinine (AA)               0.9                      0.9            mg/dl          0.7-1.4
Sodium (AA)                  142                      140          mmol/L         137-145
Potassium (AA)              4.1                       3.7          mmol/L          3.5-5.0
Chloride (AA)                109 H                   108 H       mmol/L          98-107
CO2 (AA)                        26                        27           mmol/L          24-34
Calcium (AA)                  8.9                       8.4            mg/dl           8.6-10.2
Protein, Total                6.6                                           g/dl           6.0-8.3
Albumin                         3.5                                           g/dl           3.5-5.0
Total Bilirubin                0.6                                        mg/dl            0.1-1.1
Alkaline Phosphate       61                                            U/L            30-130
SGOT (AST)                   17                                            U/L            12- "50"
SGPT (ALT)                    14 L                                         U/L            21-"72"
EGFR                             91                                                             60-
Your results are normal.
See, I have medical proof, I'm normal.
levlarry2010-05-14 07:16:20

as a friend says..normal is a setting on the washer :)

looks like you may have been a bit dehydrated...make sure esp as we headinto the hot months that you are drinking plenty of water
Lev you are certainly human I will give you that much. LOL Drink some water between beers and you will be just fine.
What are your soylent green levels? I did not see that one?

Dang, I thought you were Volcan!

(Glad your blood work is so healthy)
I guess normal is as normal does. I have been seen setting on the washer before. I think that the dehydration comes from not drinking anything in the mornings anymore before my labs draws and the taking of vitals. The reason? Well, I usually drink a can of Monster Energy drink (green) on the way to the hospital and the nurses and doctors keep mildly scolding me because it changes my vitals and labs, blood pressure, sugar, heart rate etc. So, I just don't drink anything until after my draws and vitals and then pop the lid right after. Good advise and reminder about hydrating, especially in the summer months, thanks Buckeye and IO. Nice to read you both. Hope yous have a good summer. As far as soylant green? Not yet. I'm still eating fat juicy burgers, sugar salt and am actually considering stockpiling sugar and salt just in case the gov't does indeed ration it. I could get rich quick on the sugar/salt black market.
Eating fat juicy burgers, using sugar and salt sounds pretty normal to me Lev.  It hasn't raised my cholesterol or caused diabetes or hypertension yet! 
By the way, sugar was rationed during WWll.  Buying a pair of nylon stockings was impossible because the nylon was used for parachutes.  Oops, getting off track again.
Congrats on the excellent lab results Lev.

Lev please put back some sugar for me. I could never get rich selling sugar because I would eat drink ect., my stock pile.
I will be your first customer.
What a comedy act yous are. Thanks for the smiles. GG, my Mom still talks about the nylon stories during wwII and you are allowed to get off track at anytime you want, many times those are the best threads. Snow, you should write a novel. You are so good at painting such vivid pictures with your words. And Milly, I'll always have some sugar for you, always. Oh and GG, I really can't take much credit for good lab results, since I'm really not doing anything special, except feeling good on my meds which allows me to be much more physical. Hoping that all reach that goal.
Lev, sounds like your Mom & I are on the same page!   Good show, lev!!  Great labs.. and glad  you're motivated to move more because you're feeling good!! Me TOO!~ And it's wonderful!

I have told Snow she needs to write a novel.........  she is great to read!!!

(will you listen, NOW, Snow? )
Yeah Snow,
It could be a novel about a very dysfuntional rheumatoid arthritis family. Don't forget, my name is spelled with two rs. And I'm the one that is not dysfuntional and always the voice of real reason and control. Feel free to paint me handsome.
PS  Snow I really feel for your husband. I just love to indulge in those foods that i love to indulge in. Hopefully, he can get into a exercise that he will enjoy and maybe control the weight and thus the diabetis and then he can eat what he wants.
Snow I want to be young, thin, wealthy and in remission. Thanks!