agressive RA or? | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone
I have a question I keep reading that people talk about that they have an agressive form of RA.
How do I know if mine is agressive or not?
What decides if it is mild or severe etc?
Thanks in advance.Have a look at

Others will be along with more info.

I was told that I have aggressive severe rheumatoid arthritis. I guess it means that the ra explodes and travels to many joints severely and quickly.
If you want information about ra, you can find it here and there is so much information at this forum, just click here: New Here? Useful Links and Information Be sure to check out this whole page.
Specifically to your questions, this thread here at arthritisinsight is the same place that Bodak (aka Stephen Issell) got his information that he uses to spam his website. Check out this thread from this forum, arthritisinsight.
levlarry2010-05-15 07:04:32Vitamins, I was considered mild for the first 5 years of my arthritis career, (staying healthy became my job) then it attacked my lungs and jumped right to severe.  My x-rays still don't show a lot of joint damage, though that has gotten worse over the last few years in my feet and hands. 

I guess what I'm saying is that there are guidelines, but you can't always count on fitting into them.  Knowing all you can about this disease is an ever changing, life long learning experience.
