people who have been on Enbrel for a while... | Arthritis Information


So I have a question for you guys that have been takeing Enbrel for a while. I have been on it for about 7 years now and it has been working really well for me.. But lately I can tell it's not making me feel as good as it use to. Is that norml? For a medicine to work for a while and as time passes it doesnt work as good? I just do not want to keep taking it when I could be trying one of the newer injections. That's a great question.  I've been on Enbrel for over 5 years and I am beginning to wonder the same thing. I did read (I think a John Hopkins article) that the drop-off rate for Enbrel, or other biologics, was 10% a year. The article did not go into great detail as to why, but it did suggest that immune systems may be able to "figure out" the Enbrel mechanism and work around it, thus causing 10% drop off/year.  This was just a statistic and it does make me wonder.  It could be that some people lose their insurance, or switch insurance (thus possibly causing a patient to switch biologics because it wasn't covered the same). It was just a statistic they posted and I think the cause and effect of the 10% drop off was not really understood. I also wonder if it isn't so much that my Enbrel isn't working as well as much as it is the RA is just progressing faster than the Enbrel can work. For me, its not a black and white answer, but in the grey area in between not working at all and working really well. Even at 50% effectiveness, I feel better than I did 5 years ago when I woke up every morning thinking that a truck had hit me the night before!I know someone who got about 7 pretty good years from Enbrel and another only five.... Seems like the effectiveness wears off after a while and it's on to something else.Meggers, I was on it for 7 years with great results and it began wearing off.  I was off it almost a year, trying Humira with no results (God it was horrid) then Cimzia w/moderate results and lots of break through flares.  Doc wanted to try Actemra or Orencia but I can't afford the co-pays on that, so he gave me two Enbrel SureClick pens and I'm happy to tell you that felt better within 2 days and it is lasting!

I'd read on this board that you can go back down the ladder of meds - it is true.  Enbrel may work again for you after a little break.  Best wishes during the interim.
Tara! That's great news!! 
I've only been on enbrel for two years.. so far *crossed fingers* so good...

Hope you have more time ahead Meggers and justtoday..
I, too, had about seven great years on Enbrel; but the last year, it just quit doing the job.  Tried Humira, now on Orencia.  Orencia has made me feel better, but not near as good as the Enbrel was in the beginning.  I've been off Enbrel for two years...maybe time to think about trying it again.  Wishing you well and hoping that the Enbrel will kick in again so that you won't have to make a  change.     Sharon