? My finger looks like I slammed it in a door? | Arthritis Information


Except I do not remember slamming it in a door. So top joint is not an RA joint so is it osteo or have I aquired something else?

Just saw the RD. Just got my bloodwork done. Always something new. Sigghhhhhhhhhh :</
poison ivy just started also. Well I started some pred and will call someone for more in the morning.
Well I am pretty sure it is poison  ivy it sure does itch.
So back to the finger. From the top joint it is red and ballooned up. Like I want to get a pin and pop it to release pressure.
I could google it but that could take me on a long scary search of things. LOL So it is easier to ask you all is there anything besides osteo that it could be? It is red also. Looks like a bee stung me but nope no stinger holes. LOL No snake fangs and it is def in the joint also not just the flesh.

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