This is wierd/scary | Arthritis Information


I am sitting here waiting for my hubby Brett to come back from the doctor.  I hope that is where he is, he said he was going.  Anyway, last night he came home with this giant lump at his elbow.  Looked just like a rheumatoid nodule but he doesn't have ra.  I am wondering what it is.  Wierd?

Roxy did he bump his elbow on something? I'm sure it will be alright. I think it's natural to be fearful that it's a ra nodule but if he doesn't have any other symptoms couldn't it just be a bump and nothing more? I'll be sending good thoughts to you that all is well. Let us know what it turns out to be.


It's wierd.  It is golf ball size at the least.  He is still gone.  He wouldn't let me go with him because I baby him too much Isn't aging wonderful
Roxy as the old saying goes, aging is not for sissies!  Spend lotsa money at the pharmacy, lotsa time at the doctors and sometimes lotsa time in the bathroom....just to mention a few of the pains in the a--!  The Golden Years?  Forget it!  And, blah, blah, blah.....
Haven't heard you mention Kelsey lately.  Hope she is doing okay.

You take care Roxy~~
Luv, Justme

[QUOTE=roxy]Case solved.  They said it was bursitis.  Isn't aging wonderful


Just came across your post. This sounds just like what happened to me, and here I am. I dont mean to scare anyone, but you need to really wtch this thing for symptoms and signs. Has your husband been sick with any type of cold, sore throat, chest, cough, sinus, in the past 2 months? This is how my problems started, Except mine was on the back of my neck, it gave me a really bad headache, was hot to touch and tender, rubbery feeling and squishy, then my husband ws massaging my neck to releive the pain and all of the suddne it popped. My headache subsided and I felt better. However, the next am when I woke I could not move my neck, shoulders, arms, I was severly swollen and in sever pain. I went to ER and all they said was a cervical strain, was on disability for 9 months, test after test, new symptoms almost every day. Then after about 5 months I developed another one on my elbow, the same thing happened. I again when back to the doctor and it had popped during the night but this time the swelling was not that much, by the 3-4 day it had began to fill again. My doctor said the same thing bursitis. I have been advancing in symptoms every since and still have no answers it has been 6 years. I would suggest that if the doctor only did a physical exam and made this dx, to get the doctor to draw blood and treat it as if it was an infectious disease, some of them if not caught early can cause real dmg, I am 100 % proof of that, because really in the end who knows what is causing all our problems. If every thing comes back clean just watch for signs and document them. You can email me for other concerns if things progress, which I pray they do not. GOOD LUCK



Thanks Sharon.  I will talk to my hubby.  I don't trust doctors opinions.  Now to get my hubby to take it slow, that will be a tough one

Justme-  I don't want to jinx it.  I am trying to get Kelsey in a much better place in Santa Cruz.  It is really a great place compared to all of the places she has been.  I will let everyone know after I find out.  The county has to approve it.  We talk on the phone regularly and she is so excited.  I should not have told her about this place but she was so depressed. I spent two days on the phone looking for another placement.  We found out we could put her on Brett's insurance.   Anyway, her caseworkers only meet once a month so just waiting.  Thanks for asking.
