Muscle function survey! | Arthritis Information


Say you are having a good RA day. You have your brain chemestry right as in you took your muscle relaxer the evening before. Say you have had enough prednisone to get the swelling out of you joints and tendons to feel almost normal. Almost human again. LOL

Alright so you see the gutters and little maple trees are sprouting and you start cleaning out your gutters. This task will take you maybe four hours of labor.
So when you start out at one end of the house and you have good muscle function.
Then your meds or your brain chemestry or swelling or something happens and by the last side of the house after having done the first three sides you start to loose muscle function and muscle control. Like you have myesthina gravis or something. You just can not make you arms do what you tell them to do.
So would you think you would be stiff?
Do you think your muscles would stop responding to your wishes?
Do you think you would go into muscle spasms and your hand may turn right when you wanted it to turn left?
Do you know what I mean when I say my arm just quits working?
Do you know what I mean when I say my muscles in my arm just sort of die? That is not exactly a muscle spasm that hurts but they just go to sort of sleep and it is not like they are in a spasm but just not moving and not hurting even. Yet some how not numb just not seeming to have a particular connection to my brain or the chemicals envolved in making the muscles respond.
So then you let the arm rest and it starts to come back slowly but tells you not to use it any more then you have to or it will quit again?
I am just wondering if this is an RA thing or a something else thing. Maybe a fibro RA thing? Maybe a something else thing?
Thanks for your response!
I know most of the time I could not even pick up the ladder let alone climb up on it. Then what would I do if I climbed up a ladder? LOL Usually I would be screaming for help back down the ladder. LOL
So for me it was a very unusal moment in time. That is I made it along the first three sides of the house with good muscle control. The last side took much longer to do. It was almost even imposible for me to get the last side done but I was determined to finish.
Anyway I got some vitamin D. LOL That was not it actually. It was a mixture of meds I know that aloud me to do this. What ever  it was it left as quickly as it came. LOL
milly2010-05-26 23:02:40you go from almost no activity to a heavy duty workout...add to the fact that you probably didn't drink much while up on that ladder and you are recovering from an infection...of course your body rebelled
Use the sense you were born with don't go from zero to sixty without hitting a lot of numbers in between...
The air is broken and waiting on someone to fix it. It was cooler outside. Plus you can not just let maple trees grow in your gutter that is part of life in my opinion. Other wise you end up putting on a new roof because you have trees growing on your roof.
I do not do zero hardly ever you know that.
My life has always been this way. Anyway people were in a mood well a people. LOL I had to get my mind occupied. It was hot inside and cool under the trees. I have many many trees.
So I would have come closer to having a heat stroke in the house just thought I would clear that up. Plus I can not use my head when i am on high dose pred. You can chew me out for two more days and then I taper off.
You can not dehydrate when you are by the refridgerator. I could take a break and get a drink or a shower anytime I wanted. i was cleaning my gutters not someone elses.
Under most circumstances my arm quits if I do the dishes. So anything more only happens when I get prednisone. Well I can have this issue in my legs or anywhere jsut I tend to use my right arm most. I think we all do.
I have bad fibro also so I could sleep for two days and probably still have the issue. So anyway it is part of a pred issue and swelling that is part of it.
LOL I have two abx. Some crazy good skin cream. It was a nice day outside but not inside with the hotwater heater and the freezer adding more heat. Not part of my survey. I do value your opinion Bukeye and thanks for caring.
Anyway now all I have to do is take a hose to it next time. Things get backed up on us with RA. So do you all live in houses that look abandond because you have RA? Do you just let trees grow out of your gutter? You never do any of the gardening or heavy cleaning.
I have pred to make the recovery easier on me. If I had been too hot I would not have done it. No sunburn or anything. Just I got very dirty and had to wash my clothees and take a shower.
I would have been well along time ago except the docs did not want to take me off of the Cymbalta and give  me the right abx. The two change the matabolism and it could od me and make me have seizures and stuff so the docs knew they had to give me the right abx but did not do it till things got bad.
Tooth infections require certain abx only the other stuff just will not reach the right part of the body the gums and teeth and bones. I would have gone with clydamyicine ( check spelling except it can eat all your tummy bacteria up) Well being on the wrong abx for a month already left me in a bad place for that so I only ever take that when I have lots of good bacteria in my body.
I have seen first hand the Clydamyicin give that fatal infectrion to someone. Basically the guy was very sick for months and then started having seizures and drove into a tree. The seizure was from the side effect of the meds so it was a fatal infection my life long friend had.
Also well I am going to go stay with my Dad. I am ataying with my Mom to help her out with my brother. She does not say thank you for anything. Except she did say thank you when I cleaned out her gutter. She is too short and her bones are strong enough to fall off of ladders.
I am going to stay at my Dads because I will still have to watch my brother like when my Mom goes on vacation next week. So I pay rent I spend my extra money on food for them. I help help help. Yet I get yelled at for getting sick and going to bed.
Yes sweet dear Milly that puts cold rags on family when they are sick and goes to the pharmacy to get them tylonol and what ever. Yep gets called a lazy messy person if she sleeps in till noon when she is sick.
So I said I am out of here. Then well she thought that would ruin her vacation. Or even that I would not pay rent. I said no I will come back and watch him. I will even clean out your gutters. I just am going somewhere so I can not be called a sponge.
Seriously if they can not let me rest what will they do if I am not here. Do they think I am having fun?
It is just an abusive game my Mom plays. So I am giving her what she says she wants and she says Oh no do not go.
So I got up and cleaned her living room that her grand kids messed up. Then went outside and did something nice for her. Seriously I am just here to help. I would love lay around in bed for a day or two. Especially not to be yelled at.
I will still be here most of the time. Just not when I am sick. The gutters needed cleaned on the last cool day that will be for along time. It will just get hotter. LOL It is done a done deal.
So I packed my stuff but this is family and people have thier own way of doing stuff. LOL Me and my Mom are different. Mostly she makes my brother vomit his meds up and they do not work in the toilet. She did not follow doctor instructions. I went over and over it with her. Yes I took him to the doctor when I should have been in bed. That was when I was really sick.
As the story goes. She was freaking out because I was leaving. She was mean I did not take it well. yeet it is family so I cooled off by cleaning the gutters and packing yesterday.
So she can do things her crazy way and un do all my hard work and have no one to yell at but herself. LOL I said call if you need help. Which is at least every day. Maybe every five minutes. LOL
I bet I do not get sick much. I will find a place. Just what is the point if I am always at my Moms or sisters. Even at that they want at me at two places at once. If I got a place they would bring everyone over at the same time and leave.
Thats what they did on my birthday when I got my tooth pulled. They will not here the end of it for a very long time. I had a date with a friend to go out to the country and relax and they left me with my brother and four kids and went shopping for five hours. So I missed my date got no rest. The reason was they had planned a party for my nephews birthday and wanted to make sure I stayed home to celebrate with family.
Seriously they are telling me I can not go out on dates? I assure you they did not stay home on thier birthdays. Seems I can remember babysitting for them.
Plus yes the issue was I got my tooth pulled and I was very sick. So I do not have to stay here. Just trying to help. Any sane person would have run screaming along time ago. LOL
I love them. I am done with the abuse. Just thought I would take care of my mean mother first thats all. She is too short to reach the gutters unless I guess she could get a taller ladder. LOL
Anyway up on the ladder slinging mud covered in dirt. Well people stay away from you when you are slinging compost out of the gutter. It was very pieceful I have to say. I enjoyed myself alot.
The breeze is a bit cooler the higher up you are. LOL I used to work construction on roofs. Yep I put many a roof on many a Super Walmart in the past. Very windy and dangerous up in the air. Yet not alot of people come up there to yell at you. LOL
Plus I was staying away from anyone that may have been sick that could have given me something new to deal with.
Just did not want to get yelled at seems someone always finds fault in what I do. LOL
Crazy my Mom did ask me twenty times she yells out have you seen your brothers shirt. I said no. If I washed it for him then I put it in his dresser or hung it up. If it is dirty then go find it.
So I said I have more on my mind then this shirt you have asked me about twenty times. So then now she is wanting to know where another shirt of my other brothers is. I mean she has been home for a week and does not want to do anything except try to find fault with me.
She is mad because I have not been watching her grandkids because I was sick. Plus she could not deal with my brothers medicine change and his behavior anyway.
So school is out and the kids are at there other grand mothers now anyway.
So my sister does not have internet but is taking online classes. So she is coming over to use my internet. So she plops in my spot and I have no where to lay down. So I am just leaving it too her.
Not to complain people are aloud to graduate nursing shcool. It is a good thing and I am suppotive. Just I told my Mom sorry I can not stay and be your maid if I do not have a bed because my sister is in. So I left. LOL
milly2010-05-27 10:46:11