Colds, Colds, Colds | Arthritis Information


Hi and howdy all!  I just had my Rituxan infusion and a little baby cold has now blown up into a big yucky cold.  I need to get rid of it so I can have round 2 of the Rituxan in about a week and a half.  Does anyone have anything that has helped them with the colds?  Especially something that helps keep the cold from causing infections.  I would say 80% of the time I have a cold, I end up with some sort of infection.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks again.  I hope everyone is having an awesome day.  Being on some of these drugs leaves us wide open to infections and should be a consideration when taking them.
For some the benefits of the drugs out way the side affects.

I cannot help you with any info on how to alleviate your current condition.

Hope things clear up for you.
Thanks.  I appreciate the kind words.  I will just keep trucking along.  It will clear up eventually.   I've found that using a Neti Pot helps decrease the length of time a cold lasts and risk of sinus infection dramatically.  Basically, it's a tool you use to flush out your sinuses.  Google it and you can learn all about it.  I know they have them at Walgreens and other drug stores in my area, so I suspect they would in your area, too.  They're a little odd, but totally make a difference!

Best of luck, and I'll be praying for a speedy recovery for you.
Hey Kate, I have seen those.  So, they really do help?  I may have to look into that.  It turns out I do have a sinus infection and I got the antibiotics for it today.  Hopefully it will clear up before my next infusion.  Thanks for the info and your prayers.  I hope you are having a great Memorial Day.  May God bless you. I just want to add to Kate's post.. I too have found that the neti pot or some form of nasal irrigation works to shorten the term and severity of colds..

good luck
You can find Neti pots at WalMart too.  They really do help.  Of course a stiff shot of Rock and Rye helps too!  Clears everything right up. LOL!OK, I feel silly not knowing, but what is Rock and Rye?  lol 