Recommendations | Arthritis Information


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Hello all…I was hoping some of you with extensive experience on the topic of RA could give me your opinions on best course of action.  Over the last year I have had about 5 different occasions where my joints have incurred mild pain and stiffness generally starting in the hands and then migrating to elbows, knees and occasionally shoulders.   They last a few weeks and then generally go away for the most part.  During non-inflammatory periods I still get stiffer than I should after strenuous activity for being a 33 year old (I’m male).   Also my mother has had RA for the last 15 years and I have very mild alopecia areata that occasionally pops up as well as dry eyes.   


I went to a rheumatologist after the second episode eight months ago and had all the standard tests run…Anti CCP, RA Factor CRP etc...all negative and very low.  My SED rate was slightly elevated at 17.   I have no visible swelling in the affected joints and I was told to take over the counter NSAID for any pain.


Fast forward six months after another flare-up I went back to rheumatologist and had all the tests run again.  Everything negative and even SED was down to 2.  Still no visible inflammation.  I was told I most likely have a mild form of RA and not to worry about it.  Try and take NSAIDs as needed…no x-rays or MRI were performed.   


That was about a week ago and the joint pain has worsened but is still relatively mild comparatively speaking to what I have read here.  Advil etc does not seem to help.  I really don’t know what to do.  I feel like I am being completely reactive (not proactive) to the situation and just waiting to see what happens which is very contradictory to my personality.  I am starting to get depressed because even though the pain is generally mild, it’s constantly there right now along with increased stiffness.   I worry that my joint are being damaged as I idly sit by and do nothing.  I feel like I am doing everything I can from a personal stand point with exercise, diet (eliminated all foods with mild allergies…wheat, gluten, milk, eggs etc. and supplement)


I have an appointment with a second rheumatologist but it’s not for another month.  Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.   I am very frustrated.  I know that it is difficult to officially diagnose me because I don’t have any obvious markers, but sitting by and waiting doesn’t seem very prudent.   

Unfortunately I cannot help you very much as when I got this thing it came on like a train and was left with no choice but to run to the docs.
My LABS were thru the roof.

As I have found out even with the heavy drugs I am on, this disease is still doing it's work on the knees and feet.
With a family history I feel that the docs should be leaning toward RA and get you onto drugs to slow this thing down ASAP.

I can understand being depressed as constant pain/aches does wear you down..
Being a bloke also makes it a bit harder as we like to be able to fix things and when we can't
,  well the frustration really sets in.

Hope this gets sorted for you Bob.
Bodak2010-05-30 23:46:44sero-negative here, Bob.. never had anything register on bloods....

when you flare..what happens?  are your joints inflamed?  swollen... ?  ask your RD to remove fluid and have it examined..  then you'll get your DX.. they can tell if it's gout.. or RA or some infection.....

Good luck to you
I get creeped out by seeing your microsoft notations on your post.. try to remove them before posting.. we had a troll who had that on her posts...... 

Thank you both for getting back to me. I really appreciate the responses. No, I am not a troll! I get pain and stiffness in my joint that tends to migrate from hands to elbows to knees etc. There does not seem to be much actual swelling even though it feels that way. This last flare up has lasted the longest and been the worst in terms of pain. Again, it's not debilitating, but sharp burst here and there that migrate. The only constant is some of the stiffness in the hands.

I have an appointment with my original RD on Friday so I will ask to have fluid removed. Should I ask for x-rays and or MRI as well?   Also, are none of your levels elevated? anti-ccp, sed, CRP?
