To all the new forum members.... | Arthritis Information


I haven't been posting for a few days because of the holiday but I'm back now and I see that the "golf" post has taken on a life of its own

For the record Gutch and carpecoffee, this is a good board with very suportive and knowledgable people that are willing to listen and to share their experiences.
There are also posters here who , for whatever reason, have some attention seeking behaviors and strong dislike for one another.  Most of the time, I just try and ignore that kind of thing and I would suggest you do the same
This is, after all, an unmoderated board and people are free to post whatever they want.  Sometimes you are going to agree with them and other times you will be in disagreement.  The only person's behavior you can control here is your own
Welcome to the board!
Thank You Lynn[QUOTE=gutch]Thank You Lynn[/QUOTE]
You're welcome
As you spend more time on this board, you will be able to recognize the posters who post info, experiences, etc...
You will also recognize the ones who come here to cause trouble and seek attention.  They never add anything of substance to the board, they just want to cause problems Lynn, thank you for your kind welcome.  I look forward to getting to know people better on this board.[QUOTE=carpecoffee]Lynn, thank you for your kind welcome.  I look forward to getting to know people better on this board.[/]
You're welcome 
Hi Lynn, I missed you.  We took off and golfed for four days over the holiday.  I'm supposed to be rested but it's not happening!!!  Lindy[QUOTE=LinB]Hi Lynn, I missed you.  We took off and golfed for four days over the holiday.  I'm supposed to be rested but it's not happening!!!  Lindy[/QUOTE]
Sounds like you had a great time
I've been rather hit or miss here lately.
 A lot of family stuff going on.  Between that and work, I've been busy. 
I missed you too and I glad to see you back posting Well, RA has moved to my knees over the last couple of days.  The timing is not the best (not that we have anything to say about it).  I'm going to Peru in three weeks, a week in the Amazon, where I am going for treatment with a Shaman that works with plants.  (I want to try something else, besides the conventional treatment )  Then a week in the Andes, but I don't know if I can do the climbing now.  I hope so[QUOTE=gutch]Well, RA has moved to my knees over the last couple of days.  The timing is not the best (not that we have anything to say about it).  I'm going to Peru in three weeks, a week in the Amazon, where I am going for treatment with a Shaman that works with plants.  (I want to try something else, besides the conventional treatment )  Then a week in the Andes, but I don't know if I can do the climbing now.  I hope so[/QUOTE]
Good luck...I hope you are able to make the trip..Thanks Lynn,  I have full confidence in the treatmentGutch, best wishes with the trip.  I am so looking forward to your report on your experience with the Shaman - come back and tell all! [QUOTE=gutch]Well, RA has moved to my knees over the last couple of days.  The timing is not the best (not that we have anything to say about it).  I'm going to Peru in three weeks, a week in the Amazon, where I am going for treatment with a Shaman that works with plants.  (I want to try something else, besides the conventional treatment )  Then a week in the Andes, but I don't know if I can do the climbing now.  I hope so[/QUOTE]
That sounds like quite the trip!  Good luck and have fun!Will do[QUOTE=gutch]Well, RA has moved to my knees over the last couple of days.  The timing is not the best (not that we have anything to say about it).  I'm going to Peru in three weeks, a week in the Amazon, where I am going for treatment with a Shaman that works with plants.  (I want to try something else, besides the conventional treatment )  Then a week in the Andes, but I don't know if I can do the climbing now.  I hope so[/QUOTE]
wow... that is pretty exciting!
Have you been there before?
This will be my sixth time, but only the second in the jungle.  I like it thereGutch, what a wonderful trip and I'm anxious to hear about your experiences.  I'm one of the jungle lovers also.  We travel to Mexico and spend 5-6 months of the year in the jungle.  I missed this year due to health issues.  Don't forget us when you return.  LindyLynn, i wasn't going to go this year, but RA took over and I just want to try remedies that are thousands of years old.  Plus I just love the Amazon and the people.  Also going to Machu Picchu for a visit with friends.  cant wait