RA and calf swelling | Arthritis Information


I was wondering if anyone with RA has experience swelling from the knee to the ankle, unrelated to rheumatoid arthritis?   Although there is no pain, my leg does  become tight.

This does not happen all the time.   However, my rheumy sent me for a CT scan to rule out PE, as I also have heavy chest presser.    The CT scan ruled this out.
I am at a loss as to what is going on.    Any suggestions and ideas?  Please let me know. You can also find me at not today ra on facebook.
thanks for you help and take care
Hi Jen, I dont get the swelling in my calves, but they do get very tight and feels like they have 20pounds of cement attachted to each one... also get a lot of charlie horses since i been told i have some form of RA in my Ankles...Hope you ge to feeling better.

leg swelling is common...but you realy should have additional studies done to insure you do not have some sort of periphal arttery disease or other sort of vascular blockage...

Hi :)
ive had RA for 6 months now and almost as soon as i was diagnosed my right leg swelled up from knee to ankle, my gp sent me to hospital thinking it was a blood clott but wasnt,  its actually called a bakers cyst which is a small sack on the back of the knee which has fluid in it , sometimes the cyst ruptures causing the leg to swell from the knee downwards.
I was given a short course of steroids and the swelling went down, the same then happend to the left leg when i finished the steroid course. It still happens from time to time just another thing to put up with with RA i guess,
i would suggest going to see your doctor or mentioning it to your rhematologist if you see one:) you could try searching bakers cyst on google

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