New Diagnosis | Arthritis Information


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My name is Jeanne and I've recently been tentatively diagnosed with Spondyloarthropahy or RA---It all began at the end of December with a red, swollen third toe on my left foot.  Within a few weeks it had spread to my right thumb, right shoulder and left knee.  The docs had initially treated it with prednisone and NSAID' luck, it kept going.  So quick, so bad that my left knee cap is torn away from the tendons.  I was an active, exercising type 46 year old otherwise healthy lady.  This has been absolutely devastating.  I now have a rheumy I trust and it working with me.  I just took my second dose (50 mg) of Enbrel and am on MTX (5), Prednisone 10 mg. daily, Azulfidine - 500 mg. 2X a day, Dolobid - 500 mg. 2X a day, Diovan - 160 mg. 1x a day (this was the ONLY drug I was on prior to this tornado that hit me-as I've had HBP for a few years), Prilosec - 20 mg. X1 day, Calcium 500mgX3 a day, Xanax (to ease the stress of the diagnosis:)....5mgX2 day, Folic Acid - 800 mcg daily...and that's all folks.  I feel like a walking medicine cabinet!  The doc said that if the Enbrel continues to work well (and it is so far) he will wean me off the MTX, Azul and Dolobid.  He is leaning towards the Spondo diagnosis because this all started in a digit (my toe) and I have a positive HLA B27 test.  I've also, for several years now, had a high C-Reactive Protein.  I sometimes feel like I have "hot" spots popping up on my body -- various locations and my face and neck get terribly flushed.  Has anyone else had this type of odd reaction--my doc and the Enbrel reps are puzzled.


Any suggestions or support would be greatly appreciated.  Is there life after this diagnosis?


With kind regards,



Hi Jeanne,

I was diagnosed with PMR in September last year and with AS last November. Initially I was on 60mg of Prednisolone for 2 weeks, 50mg for 4 weeks and 40mg for another 4 weeks. It was reduced quickly to 20 mg and more slowly down to 10mg. I also started taking Meloxicam (Mobic) last December.

Until just recently I felt dreadful. Aches, pains, stiffness, and I couldn't concentrate or think straight most of the time. I have seen it described by other people as brain fog and I can't think of a more perfect description. Our local shop is about five minutes walk away and most of the time I couldn't even manage that and standing up for longer than a few minutes was quite uncomfortable.

On a more positive note Inow  feel 100% better, still a bit achey and stiff but nothing I can't cope with. I get tired easily but I have learned to pace myself more.

Having read a lot of the posts on this forum I feel really sorry for all the people that are really suffering. I think I have been lucky, my Rheumy says the AS is only mild and I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse. I've joined a therapy centre which is a posh name for a gym which specialises in joint/muscle problems and I have bought a tens machine which I think is helping.

Apologies for rambling on I shall be thinking of you an hope you start to feel better soon.

Take care


