lacrisert | Arthritis Information


Hey all...

As you know, I have been dealing with Sjorgren's-and the eyes are the worst.  I have chronic iritis and have had bouts of scleritis and keritits these last 6 months.  My optho wants to try Lacriset and see if it helps.  Any experiences that you would be willing to share?  We have done everything else including the punctal plugs and every drop known to mankind. 
Here is a link to the product.  Some of you may want to mention them to your dr.
I have no experience with that, Rebecca... But I am giving Systasis one more go..
My Ophtha swears it will work if I do it every day ... 2 X a day...
I don't have her faith..
I wish you the best.. I have terrible burning eyes today.. in addition to the sand in them... So, I will watch your experience with a keen eye.. to learn and to wish the best for you.
