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deletedRunAround12010-06-11 07:27:47Hang in there, this is not an easy disease. I just started Remicade, did you tell your doc or who administers it that you got migraines from it? Mine recommended tylenol before the infusion startMy heart goes out to you. I don't know how old you are but I got this disease at 47 and with all that life experience I still felt very overwhelmed in the beginning.

As for the self injectables- I totally hear you. I was loathe to do them not only because of the risks but I am the world's biggest needle phobe.
Give yourself some time to wrap your head around eveything. Get yourself all cried out- it's going to be alright. it takes time.
As for the shots- if it becomes an absolute neccesity- they didn't turn out to be as bad as what I read about them. With the "pens" you don't jab a needle- you push a button and a needle comes out that you don't see. They were not what I would call painful.  It was a quick prick sensation like when you get a blood test. Then it's over for 1 or 2 weeks depending on which one you use.
Sometimes mom's try to minimize things so you don't get yourself too worked up. Also non RA people just cannot understand what we go through so please vent here whenever necessary!
deletedRunAround12010-06-11 07:25:45Here's what I do for migraines- I put icy hot on the back of my neck - all the way up including the base of my skull- in the hair line. Then I get a cold washcloth wet & wrung out in as cold ofwater I can get out of the faucet. I put that over my eyes and forehead and lay down in a dark room. Of course I take my migraine medicine which is fiorinal.
I have to say- sometimes I was hesitant to push the button on the pen but I would just ask myself- are you going to sit here all day? I'd count 1 2 3 and push.
It took me 2 years to get up the nerve to agree to the injections. I don't know what your medical situation is- if your RA is totally out of control and you are in danger of damaging your joints- you may have no choice. I shouldn't say that- a doctor can not force you to put drugs in your body. You would have to make a choice of suffering consequences far worse in the future or a shot once a week or every 2 weeks. Some diabetics have to inject more than once per day. For me it was more of trying to come to a better comfort level with my pain. I just chose to stand it for a long time. My blood work said my RA was controlled and my RD 's exams confirmed that.
Take some deep breaths runaround. It'll get better than it is.
Hi RAN, take a second... this disease damages more than joints.  It has affected my lungs and my heart in addition to my joints.  If I had known what I do now, I would have started a biologic way before I did. 

Talk to a therapist if you need to and maybe think about a once a month injectable or, if you are unable to get past the needle thing, a different infusion.  The lucky thing?  You have choices and no one is going to force you to do anything!

deletedRunAround12010-06-11 07:26:14Everyone's given you good advice, so I have just one more thing to add.  If you decide to take a self-injectable, see if you can try Simponi first.  It is only once a month, the needle prick is shorter than with Enbrel and for me, had no burning or site reaction like some of them do.So... no needles but infusions are okay?  That limits your choices to Orencia or Rituxan.  Orencia is another TNF drug, so you might try the Rituxan and the up side to it is fewer infusions.

deletedRunAround12010-06-11 07:26:52deleted
RunAround12010-06-11 07:27:12hey RunAround.. sometimes you have to suck it up and do what you need to so that you can feel better!  orrrrrr quitcherbitchin'  
No one likes needles...   but one of these meds WILL help you... and that is worth it..
believe me!!
