Should I have my elbow check-out | Arthritis Information


My pinky finger and ring finger keep going numb.  My elbow is starting to freeze and sometimes when I sleep I keep it bent but when I notice this I try and straighten it out.  That's when my fingers go numb.  When I wake up or turn over I literally can't feel my fingers.  I have to hang my arm over the bed to increase blood flow.  I have spoken to my RA Doc and she recommends PT before I even think about surgery.

Anyone else out there experience this
RA 14 yrs
Dx. 1996
Meds. Prednisone 10mg, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, D and Iron

you are experiencing ulnar nerve compression most likely at the elbow.  This has nothing to do with blood circulation.  What happens when you hang the arm off the bed is removing the pressure on the nerve.

 You certainly might benefit from a cortisone injection into the elbow to help with the inflammation   Pt can help improve your ROM.  One really cheap suggestion from my hand surgeon was to wrap a towel around my elbow at night.  The towel prevents you from compressing the nerve unconsiously at night.  Be careful about leaning on your elbows or on the nerve your keyboard posture.  Ultimately if the non invasive things don't work you might need surgery to move the nerve.  The surgeon relocated my nerve when he replaced my more tingling and numbness
