questions | Arthritis Information


Hello again,
I have a couple of questions...
First of all, have any of you noticed that your PMR gets worse after being out in the sun? Is this something we should avoid? Yesterday it was finally sunny here in NW Montana and I laid in the hammock for awhile. Today I feel worse. Is it the prednilisone or the PMR or totally unrelated to either? Sometimes this is so confusing.

Also, I received my copy of "You are not alone" from the PMR&GCA UK North East Support Group. Thank you so much for making this DVD. I got teary watching it and hearing and seeing others that have this disease. I've never met anyone else that has PMR and it really did help me to not feel so alone.

My rheumy has told me that PMR is an autoimmune disease where the white blood cells attack the joint linings of the shoulders and hips, which is where my pain and stiffness originated. I had an elevated CRP and ESR, as well. In the DVD the doctors talked about the problem being in the muscles rather than the joints. Can anyone out there clarify this for me?

Thanks in advance for any light you can shed. Wishing you all pain-free days.
Gentle hugs,
JannieWell  I am new to this site  only being dx  as of Feb 2010   I  don't know about the sun making symptoms worse   I find  that  fatigue and flare up days  seem  to happen independent of anything  except perhaps  not enough rest.  I work  nights and sometimes on my first day off I will go without sleep  when  I should be resting  but  as you all know  when you feel good you want to be out in the world doing something.  I did  however post a question about hot humid weather which I normally love  now I'm starting to experience extra fluid retention in my knees and hands and wrists.   Your doctors were correct when they said that the white blood cells  attack the synovial lining of the joints  but I read somewhere thankfully  there is no permanent damage.  I hope that was right.  I don't know why  the joint inflammation causes the muscle pain but it sure does.       Hi Montana-woman,

PMR is classified as an auto-immune disease which effects the joints like your said, but the pain is referred to the muscles -- primarily of the shoulders, upper arms and hip area.

Here's a link to a pretty good source with more info:

RickF2010-06-25 07:14:34Rick and Parker,

Thanks for your responses. Now I understand why my muscles hurt as well! My PMR was diagnosed in July, 2009, but began in May of 2009. I had been exposed to human parvo virus at my school and also my daughter had been hit by a car while riding a bike. She was a very lucky girl and has recovered completely. I started on predisone (60 mg. Yikes!) in May and felt almost immediately better. I was only 60 and in really great physical condition. Yoga, hiking, horsebackriding, kayaking, plus teaching full time. It started in one shoulder. I thought I had overdone it. It soon spread to both shoulders and hips. I was finally able to get into a rheumatologist in July and she gave me the necessary blood tests. Before that, when I was only seeing my GP, he had x-rayed, MRId and done other blood work as well.

I'm now down to 9 mg. of prednisone and feeling pretty achy a lot of the time. I also take tramadol for pain. I see my rheumy again on Tuesday. I'll talk to her about the amount of pain that I'm feeling again. I hate to increase the prednisone. I'm finally getting my normal face back. But I seem to hurt too much on the dose I'm on.
I've tried methotrexate and my body didn't like it. When I felt the best, I was taking 17 mg. of prednisone. I know it's unrealistic to stay at that dose, but I'm tired of hurting.

Do you all take enough prednisone to be pain-free, or is it something I just need to buck up about. . Any advice would be much appreciated.
Gentle Hugs. (and I love the Happy Hour joke!)

Hi Jannie, I am currently on 5mg Pred, 200 mg Plaquenil, 100 mg Tamadol am and pm. Also 15mg MTX. and I still need Panadol Osteo at least 2 to 4 a day.....when needed!

With my sternum fracture ( osteoporosis) healing I have dropped off the Endone finally.
In all its Quality of Life we are all striving for until this ### leaves!
Sometimes we can/ may need to Just Buck Up,  but...sometimes we just need to be kind to us and take something for the hurt to subside xx
Had a DEXA scan and seeing my Dr tomorrow. I will post when I have more info.
Hugs to all and welcome to our newbies, another from AUSTRALIA... you will get lots of good advice on here, Lyn
to Montana woman:  boy they sure started you on a whopping dose   I thought 20 mg a day was high  I'm tapered to 10 a day now and quite achy  and have  unpredicable fatigue and flare ups  its frustrating  to say the least   hey I have a general question for all checking the website  does this disease fall under  the Disabilities act?  and although the things I've been reading say it runs its course in 1-4 years  I know of a woman who has had it for 20 yrs and is still on a daily dose of prednisone  Thanks for your posts, everyone--NOW I know why I feel the pain in my muscles, not in my joints.  Everywhere I've read about pmr it says "pain in shoulder and hip joints"  but my pain is all in my muscles.

I don't know if this disease falls under the Disabilities act, but it should!  It has often occurred to me that I deserve to have a Disabled parking placard so that I can park in the special parking spots. Especially when I see people in Disabled parking spots leaping from their cars and did they get the privilege? lol. However, I know I need to walk so I probably won't ask my doctor about getting a placard. 

Are you located in the UK?

Some of us do have Blue Disabled Badges, some of us have Attendance Allowances (both small and the 24 hour one) and all of us just wish we did not need them.
