Exercise | Arthritis Information


Have any of you been given any exercise advice from a doctor?

I go in the hottub and pool, and those seem to be about the only thing my body can handle right now.  I was wondering if any of you exercise or have any tips about exercise and RA.
   The only advice I got from my old RA doc. was to do sit ups for my lower back. Then with all of the problems with my hand and shoulder, I couldn't do them. My new RA doc hasn't told me to do anything but then I'm still recovering from my shoulder surgery.


Hi Tye,

I'm trying to exercise with RA. Since I have OA too, I have to do stretching exercises to strengthen my back, stomach and leg muscles. They are very low impact and they mostly involve lying on a mat and moving my legs to one side or another and lifting one leg or another.  My physical therapist gave me a whole program to do. I also have pool exercises given by a PT. I try to walk on a flat surface as much as possible. Running or real biking is out of the question but I can do about 20 minutes on an exercise bike using a small pillow behind my back for support.  Two years ago I could do maybe 2 minutes so slowly I am improving.  I now do about 10 minutes on a treadmill no faster than 3.2 and with no incline.

Since you're already going to a pool, see if they have an arthritis exercise class. Even if they do, you have to start very carefully and slowly and only do what doesn't hurt. Don't get intimidated by those 80 and 90 year olds also in the class who will exercise circles around you. Sometimes If I'm really hurting. I just hang off a noodle in the warm water pool.  Warm works much better for me. I can't tolerate even heated pools that are less than about 85-90 degrees.Ask your doctor if you can see a physical therapiost to work out a program for you.  At our sports center they have one in residence who I can consult. The physical trainers don't know as much.

Good luck and good for you for exercising.  For me it's the one thing that really helps. It puts me in a better mood, helps me to sleep better, and is also a way to connect with others in various stages of therapy.

Thanks a bunch.  I did find an arthritis class, but you have to join the gym.  I will consider that once I find out what my medications are going to run.  I have my doctor appointment on Monday.   I have my bloodwork back and am now waiting for treatment.

I, too, can only go in the warm or hot pools.  I know it will be really warm here soon, so I am looking forward to it.  I can exercise for free at my parent's retirement community.  I already have 80 y.o. ladies doing circles around me. 
I do feel like it hurts me the next day, but I have better rest and it feels so good later.  I want to keep my muscles and joints from seizing up on me.  I am really willing to do all I can.

Thanks for the encouragement, I will see what I can find out.  I may take that class for a month or two to learn some technique, then go out on my own after.  I really do want to meet more RA people.
Stretching exercises are a very good start for people suffering from ra etc.  Yoga is very good too, there are even classes for people w/ra.  Aquatics are good too.  We have to try and keep what mobility and strength we have, as the saying goes use it or lose it!!I think I am going to go for the shoulder injections before the PT...I feel like such a BIG BABY. you realy need to find what does foment mean.
when you know foment mean i think you don't have to make yourself like a baby again.
and you will believe this product will work for you
haishibushuohao38795.1991550926I am going to start aquatics class soon. Right now it coincides with my sons little league baseball games. As soon as the season ends I am going to try that. I also will see my RD again in April and I am going to ask about PT.  I would like to learn some good exercises that I can do.  I had thought for years that all my years as a gymnast had caused my joint pain, but my RD said that I was prob. protected by all of the muscle when I was younger. None left now...such a shame.

I should, I know, as I am considered in the 'clinically obese' category, but what with the cycles of depression, meltdowns, Polycystic Ovaries (also make you gain weight), and everything else I've been feeling lately I just can't seem to get myself there.  I am going to my Mum and Dad's on Wednesday, (3 hours away in Norfolk,) for a week and on 6th April going with hubby, sister-in-law and her husband, both coming over from Sicily,to visit friends in Aberdeen, Scotland for six days and then the in-laws are staying with us for 8 days.

 If that hasn't wiped me out, I'm going to make a concerted effort to start back at the pool later in April.

Check up on me and nag me....I'll need it!

              Yes, that sounds like a blast.  I always find that time with my family makes me feel good.  Especially if I have been holing up in the house too much.  Enjoy your visit.  That is what we need! An RA 'convention' in a warm sunny place. We could go to Jamaica or something. We would have to have a 'convention' at least once a month!Hello-

I am 23 years old and was diagnosed with JRA when I was around 13. I'm taking enbrel, lodine, and plaquinel.

Lately, I've been battling with the question of whether or not running is bad for my knees. Logically, if a person has joints weakened/damaged by arthritis, it seems like running would further damage the knees. Does anyone have a better explanation? Common sense tells me that running is probably not good for an RA patient, but I need a more convincing explanation.

I used to be a runner and when I'm feeling restless, especially during final exam's week, I get the urge to run. I usually stop myself from running, but lately I've been running just a couple of miles once in a while. I try to run on the grass and other "softer" surfaces, but it can be difficult to find when you're running in the city.

Thanks for reading this. I hope someone can answer my question. :)

forthelord, a friend of our family as RA and shes had it for a long time and she still runs every day.  I think its really your decision, if you feel good while your running and your not suffering afterwards then i say go for it, only you know how it affects you. 
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