Fiona.... | Arthritis Information


I am so sorry I spouted out to that Moron on your post and  that this moron is invading your post as well as others, he is like "poison". I should have Im'd him or made another post. See how these jerks hurt people? They bring out the worst in people, stalk and stalk. We go to read your post and find  a snake oil salesman.


Yes, i will have to appologize also.  It wont happen again, hopefully he'll go away for goodMe too, I'm sorry.  I have absolutely ZERO patience with these jerks.  I hope the Admins/Mods here take note and will be more proactive, that would surely help. No worries. It's just bizarre because he makes us angry, so t's not as
though any of us are ever going to buy his product. And here we are, just
trying to get through the day & this jerk comes on & interrupts. Well, if
the Mod doesn't ban him, we know to ignore you mind to check that can you open the website or not. thankyouThat is a troll.  It is best to pretend they don't exist.  Don't let your day be ruined by a random internet freak.  The internet is a breeding ground for weirdos. evrything have it good part and bad part. depend on how to use it