Interstitial cystitis (IC) | Arthritis Information


Along with my wonderful RA that keeps my life interesting, I have also been diagnosed with IC. My symptoms are that my bladder can only fill a small amount before it gets painful and then I have to run to the bathroom.  This can happen 5, 10 and sometimes 15 times a night.  there is no trouble going its just that my bladder thinks its full and gets painfull and wants to go just then. The pain level can be pretty bad, but it is almost always relieved with going to the bathroom. The doctor said that since there is no infection, it was likely a autoimmune response - my immune system attaching the lining of my bladder and causing them to be inflammed....and welll you know the rest of this story.
Does anyone else have these issues along with thier RA?I was tested for IC about 9 years ago...I was told I do not have it...

I had had an infection that would NOT leave... nothing could make it go away!!    so painful..

I hope neither of you have that kind of pain with this IC... it was horrible.

Interested to see this thread - made me wonder if that's what's wrong with my bladder lately .... or .... is it just the Arava having the same effect on bladder as it has on my bowels  ?     I have been having lots more coffee during our winter months, so might hve to severely cut down on that.   SnowOwl, thanks for the link!
I was dx'd with IC recently after 2 years of UTI's.  The UTI's came from vesico ureteral reflux (refluxing urine back up into the ureter to my kidney).  After 3 surgeries things are finally temporarily settled down but now I have IC.  When one of the pus filled areas bursts it is extremely painful and causes another UTI so I stay on antibiotics for now.  I use Pyridium to numb the bladder and urethra until the episode is over.  I have Cystoscopies every 3 months which can set off an attack.  Due to the UTI's I cannot take the heavy duty RA meds anymore like MTX and Enbrel.  I stay on Plaquenil and Prednisone for now. [QUOTE=lorrie]I is it just the Arava having the same effect on bladder as it has on my bowels ty Bodak - wondered if it was just me and for a while just didn't link bladder probs with Arava.  Am sticking with it for a while longer as it seems to be helping the RA.  Cutting back on coffee and some of the other stuff mentioned by SnowOwl to see if that helps.
I noticed that this is an old post; however, I have IC.  I've had it since my early 20's.  I now have a spondyloarthropathy and maybe sjogrens.  My mother is sero-positive RA and OA.  I have some OA also, and I'm only 43. 
I start taking Enbrel next week after the approval goes through.  I have wondered what it will do to my bladder, which is quiet now. 
It'a a mess, isn't it? 