Erosive Inflammatory Osteoarthritis | Arthritis Information


Has anyone ever heard of this Dx before? My RA factor is negative, my C-reactive protein shows inflammation. My hands and feet are swollen. Actually, there are hard little knots on the bottom of my toes close to my feet that used to hurt like the dickens until the Plaquenil and other things kicked in, I guess. The knots are still there...they just don't hurt so much. I have small knots on all of my fingers that pop out when I make a fist, or attempt to make a fist. One person told me that Erosive Inflammatory Osteoarthritis is just the Dx doctors use when they don't know what kind of autoimmune disease a patient has. Is it really a separate, valid diagnosis? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone is having a good day. P.S. I do have osteoarthritis in my knees and shoulders. The knees will have to both be replaced some day. Thanks again, V