someplace to belong | Arthritis Information



One day about 4 years ago, while my feet were not cooperating, it dawned on me "I'm disabled".  What a shocker!  It was a term I had attributed to many others but not myself.  I have had other illnesses/diseases in life and have felt "sickly" but disabled was so permanent.  Like a life sentence.

Now, it doesn't really bother me--most days :)  I've come to terms with the fact that my body ain't what it used to be.  Not that I like it!  But, I had to get through it emotionally as well as physically.  There is a wonderful book called "Celebrate Life".  I've found it very useful as I try to readjust to this different me.

Thank you so much for your reply. In reading what you wrote, I realize that I have never come to terms with all of this emotionally. I have simply toughed it out. I don't know if I've ever gotten through it all either.  But, I remember about 2 years ago I had a sort of "aha moment".  I began thinking "What will I do now" and I do mean that in a frantic, scared way.  I mean it more in a "Well, this is how life is for me right now.  So, what am I going to do with it?"  That's when I started thinking about things I can't work anymore.  It was a completely different experience for me.

For me, one of the hardest things was quitting work.  Admitting that falling asleep at my desk and not being able to walk from my cubicle to the bathroom were problems was really hard for me.  I wanted to tough it out and be just like everybody else.  Not having that daily mental activity can make you go crazy!  But, now I work on my genealogy and 3 websites and keep my mind going :)

It was also hard telling my nieces and nephew that I could not do something with them.  I really enjoy spending time with them and it's not so easy for an 8 year old to understand "can't"

Anyway, thanks for your reply.  I hope you enjoy the book.  It helped me alot!
