Takayasu Arteritis | Arthritis Information


Hi. This is my first time here. I have a form of vasculitis called Takayasu Arteritis.    I also have been diagnosed with Osteroarthritis. Just wondering if anyone on this board if familiar with TA. It is similar to Giant Cell. I am currently in an active phase and struggling with medication decisions. I'm on prednisone and MTX with many other "supplement" meds. The prednisone has given me Cushings, diabetes, and more. Just looking for a place to learn more, get some support and give some support. Does anyone have Takayasu on this board? Thanks.

Hello Jayne

I had no idea what takayasu arteritis was, now I do.  Isn't Google grand?  I do not have the condition, although it does sound similar to a condition I have that has not yet been tested for confirming diagnosis, scheduled for Friday.  A couple of questions; how old are you and are you Asian?  Obviously a rare condition that occurs before age 40 to Asian women, more often but not exclusively.  I am 66 a caucasian female.  That is according to the Johns Hopknis report I read.  There is also a retinal situation that accompanies Takayasu arteritis. 

Prednisone for all its good certainly can create problems.  What dosage were you on  and how long did you take it?  If you have not done so Google takayasu arteritis, an absolute wealth of information.  Looking forward to your posting again.  best wanda

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