RA getting worse?Mtx problems? | Arthritis Information


I guess this is a two question post...

Anyone have bad reactions to Methotrexate after being on it for a while (i've been taking it for about 10 months)

Anyone feel terrible, when their RA gets worse?

Lately I've just felt so ill, very little energy, and when i push myself even just a touch, I get nauseated, warm/feverish, so exhausted and just feel so bad, rotten and crappy... The last few methotrexate shots I've had ,I've gotten a bad reaction that night about an hour after throughout the night, sweating horribly that night, tossing and turning, no nausea I just feel so bad, cant sleep, heart pounding.  Anyone else get this with Methotrexate? Doctor thinks my body's gotten to it's limit with the MTX(8ccs) so we are backing down off of it, and increased prednisone, but oh my gosh, the thing I hate most about RA is just feeling so rotten. Not being able to just do my errands for the family, grocery shopping, or keeping up on house chores.  Does anyone else get sick like this with their RA? did you notice it going away when you got your RA more under control?  My dr is pressing me hard to start Enbrel...I have the prescription, just so nervous with having latent TB to start  it even though she reassures me after one month of tb treatment, thats what the normal protocol is for starting Enbrel and people are usually just fine on that. I've been on isoniazid now for 5-6 months... oh so many questions...

Thanks,  I haven't posted in a while, just thought i'd get some thoughts from my RA friends...

Yes, Sometimes the MTX effects me. Not always. I now split how I take them in the morning and then at night after a mealHi Kelly,

Is it possible that you are actually feeling the side effects of the Isoniazid? Most of your descriptions describe isoniazid effects. Of course I'm sure you are very aware of the possible serious complications and side effects to watch for with the use of Isoniazid but none the less, I will post this link that you may want to refresh. I did how ever get the nausea and night sweats with the mtx. The side effects lessened over time and i would take the mtx before bed to sleep thru the worst of them. Oh, headaches too. Kelly, I would trust the Doctor about taking enbrel. I'm sure she wouldn't gamble with your well being. Oh, and enbrel will sure boost the energy level. That was my get up and go drug. Anyway, wishing you the best and take a look at this info just for refresh and peace of mind reasons.
6t5: I've never thought of splitting up the dosage..hmm, wonder if that would help? 
rab023: Thats so strange ...I wonder whats making it hard to get to sleep after taking the meds? I've never had this happen before, just so wierd...toss and turn, toss and turn...just cant sleep .
Thanks Lev for the info, I saw my Rheumy yesterday and waiting for bloodwork to come back on liver today. I turned in my script for the Enbrel, even though I'm being a bit of a chicken about it...I will take the Enbrel and see how things go! I sure hope it makes my energy get somewhere back to normal like yours did. What made you stop the Enbrel?
good luck klynn!! I hope enbrel brings you the relief I have found. I was on MTX for 5 years and it worked great. problem is that this year it killed my bone marrow's ability to produce blood cells.
I've been off it  since November. and slowly my blood is returning to where it should be..
I can certainly appreciate where you are.  The methotrexate does wipe me out and make me sick the day I take it but I found that taking 2mg of folic acid the same time I take the methotrexate does cut down on the naseau.  My RA makes me feel awful occasionally.  One day I can feel fine and then I feel as if I contracted the worst case of the flu.  I feel awful all over, no energy, just want to lie down.  It can last for weeks.   I am in that place right now and getting ready to start Humira as the methotrexate and prednisone no longer seem to be enough.  I am scared about starting it but I don't want to feel this way anymore.  I am sorry for how you feel and hope you go ahead and try the biologic.  If it doesn't work you really haven't lost anything but if it does you have gained a lot.
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