Something good... | Arthritis Information


Went to work today for 8 hrs, did real good. Came home and cooked dinner and then loaded up the kids and went to the ball field to watch a great little league game. We won and my son was awarded the game ball. It was a good day, I am tired now-I was tired earlier but not too tired to enjoy the day. I dont know what tommorrow or the next day will feel like, but for today life was good, a little less exhausting and a little less painful.  You know we all get our bragging rights every once in a while! Maybe I had more spoons today 'cause I didnt use hardly any yesterday. Anyways, it was a fair trade!

Interesting how we grasp ahold of the good days, We are probably a rare breed in that we truly appreciate the days when we feel ok to do stuff.



I hope you get another one just like it today, Crunchy!Way to go Crunchy!!!

Glad to hear you so happy Crunch. That's wonderful.

Great news, Crunchy. Here's to many more. Glad you had a good day, Crunchy!  [QUOTE=Lovie]

Sometimes having a chronic illness like this makes you appreciate the important things in life doesn't it? It's funny how things we might have taken for granted before mean so much to us now. We learn to charish every good day that we're given.

Glad to hear you so happy Crunch. That's wonderful.

I second that.  What a special day.  It's worth every bit of fatigue too.  :)
arizonara38798.4058449074Yeah! and Good for you.

Thanks yall for all of the words of encouragment-today was pretty good too. I am in for a 12hr ER shift tomorrow and then I am taking a few days off. Hope you all have many good days too.

It is true that many people take good days for granted. Good days being days where pain and fatigue dont run your body and mind. I am down to 2.5 mg per day of Prednisone. I go off completely on Saturday.

Roxy--glad to hear you are doing okay off of it!

Thanks again guys!!!!!