Anybody Bed Ridden? | Arthritis Information


I am when not on meds so i have a lot of pain on methotrexate 15mg a week, prednisone 10mg daily, celebrex etc.

I am just wondering what works for you.

shanbr38798.7693981482No, Shanbr, I'm not. I'm sorry that you are. How long have you been
dealing with this? do you mind to tell me what kind RA you are having. and how is it looks lile.i do need some help here. haishibushuohao38798.6917592593


Are you seeing a rhumy? 1mg of prednisone and mtx is not much at all for the treatment of RA. Have you had your blood work done to see what your inflamation is (sedrate)? Seek help from a good rheumy soon. You don't want your condition to get worse.

some people has interation with prednisone. even 1mg or mtx is not ok. this need be checked by doctor.  haishibushuohao38798.7196875

Sorry that should have said 10mg prednisone.

I have been sick for almost a year now, took 6 months for my first rhummy appt (just how long they take in louisiana), so i started with a slight hip pain, by the time i got two months before the appointment i had to have my husband help me out of bed and just to roll over.

I have stomach problems so they are going to get me off prednisone soon.  I can walk now and go places if i need without the walker.  I use a cane.

I had naproxen at one time and didn't need the cane, now with celebrex i do need it.

I have been on methotrexate for 5 weeks now.  I was really good until i had a menstral cycle and i have been downhill since.

I have rhumatoid arthritis in my feet, knees, wrists, fingers, elbows, neck, spine, hips, sinuses and lower back.

MTX does takes about six weeks to work,but you should be getting more relief. I'd call my doc back and tell him or her how much trouble you are having. Maybe they can put you on a med for your stomach so you can up the prenisone dose for a short time. How about Remicade? I have seen more than one person down and this gets them up, but there are problems with this med as well. I am afraid most RA meds are hard on the stomach and the liver.

Good luck

Tell everyone a ture story. there was a women who only can lay down on the bed. because RA. she can not walk even can not turn around. mainly because neck problem. she had RA(one kind of RA) one neck and back. after use this product for two hours she can get off bed by herself and start walk. and one week later she back to normal. now she only feel a little shoot pain sometime for a few minutes. i means maybe one year only there or five time. one time maybe one or two minutes. true story.
this is not for advertisement.
just ask anyone can be kindly tell me how is your RA looks like. i just need some help here. no business. it is good for people to help eachother. you see when the time i know the RA you have and the RA i know is different i will leave myself. there is no poiont to boughter everyone here again.
becasue i am going to do free supply. and i want to make sure it will work for which kind thing in english only. that's is all i want to know.
none need try this product in this form.
this is the best way to kick me out here. it is fair play for eveyone.


When a sufferer is bed ridden it is because one's condition is severe and have been subjected to arthritis attacks for many years.

I have been bed ridden because of my severe gout that attacks multi joints of both legs. For the first 20 years I was on drugs until drugs lost its basic function of easing pain.

I am from a different camp now as I have not taken any drug for over 15 years because I have "appropriate herbs" to address pain and swells when it flares up. Arthritis is a chronic disease (auto-immune/metabolic disorder) and is not easy to find appropriate herbs.

Another area is diet that I am particularly selective. As a saying goes "you are what you eat".

In Dr. Bieler's book, he mentioned as a practising physician for over fifty years, his first conclusion was "the disease is caused by a toxemia which results in cellular impairment and breakdown, thus paving the way for the multiplication and onslaught of germs". He added that "in almost all cases the use of drugs in treating patients is harmful. Drugs often cause serious side effects and sometimes even create new diseases. the duvious benefits they afford the patient are at best temporary". His last conclusion is that disease can be cured through the proper use of correct & healthy foods.


BED RIDDEN, YEA WE ALL HAVE THOSE DAYS, JUST SLEEP AND ENJOY, GET SOME SPOONS BACK For kokako88 if you get bed ridden again. you can try this product. free try. it was made by herb. external use only.

Haishibushuohao, try what product? herbal & external use. In my opinion you do not know what is arthritis and if you do know, your knowledge is through reading, or perhaps attending talks on MLM. Any external use product cannot touch a single hair of arthritis!!


Kind of like the old "Tastes great! Less Filling!" debate huh?

I used to be "bed ridden" years ago. Couldn't leave the house much either even when I wasn't in bed. Almost as soon as I would go out for an errand a flare up would start and I'd come home in so much pain that as soon as I walked in the door I'd have to get to the easy chair and lay there and cry.

Most of the year went by and I really didn't have a clue as to what was going on out in the world. I was so out it and on pain meds and spending the rest of my time sleeping and feeling guilty about sleeping. Boy, those were some bad days!

Now I'm at a point where my meds have been working pretty well and it's rare that I am bed ridden. I'm on Methotexate/folic acid/hydroxychlorquine besides others. I think it's the methotrexate that's working the most because this is the best I felt in years.

I hope this helps you to know that some of us are or have been bed ridden and have improved greatly. There is hope.
Being optomistic helps too. I am determined not to be overcome by this disease but that's easier said than done so I'm still working on it.

I haven't met many people out there who do have it as bad as I do, I see some with only a foot or leg and wish i could be so lucky.

Most people i have read about who were bed ridden didn't find meds to help them fully and that scares me.

Right now flairs are so bad i can't go to the store or to the movies with my family as walking just hurts too much.

It's nice to see there is hope.

How much methotrexate are you on?  I'm on 15mg, does it handle the flairs to where you don't need an antiflamatory pill?


<SPAN =bold>Right now flairs are so bad i can't go to the store or to the movies with my family as walking just hurts too much.</SPAN>

<SPAN =bold>How much methotrexate are you on? I'm on 15mg, does it handle the flairs to where you don't need an antiflamatory pill?</SPAN>


Shanbr, I know how you feel. I couldn't go to the store either or go other places with my family. I'm still hoping to go for walks with my children in the park or on bike rides. It may be awhile before I can do that but I'm not giving up hope.

I'm on 8 methotrexate. I'm also on diclofenac 2(75mg)a day. I would be afraid to go off of any of my meds. I did that with the methotrexate because I was feeling so good. And when I did all the symptoms came back and with a vengance too. Dumb mistake on my part.

I believe that the methotrexate helped to get me to the point of walking around again and I have seen such a great improvement in all my other symptoms but I still want to hold on to all my meds just in case.

I have many good days now. I used to be on 4-6 vicodin a day and now I'm down to maybe one a day. Oh, and my diclofenac dose was cut in half because I'm doing so much better.

I hope better days are ahead for you.