Traveling with shots | Arthritis Information


Just wondering, when you travel by road, how do you take your shots that you have to keep fridged?

this summer i may be starting enbral and switching to methotrexate injections.

I live in Louisiana near New Orleans and usually have to do a "hurricane" run every year to texas or florida and need some ideas on how to keep my meds cooled.

Thanks and god bless.

I take Humira and they sent me a little travel cooler with my start up kit.

Save those little cold packs that come with your Enbrel and refreeze them. If you don't have one of these "travel Packs" a regular thermal lunchbox or small cooler would work fine. From everything I understand; if you tell the hotel your staying at that you are on meds that have to stay refrigerated they give you a room with a frig for free!! How bout that?

Good Luck.


Ask your Rheumy to give you a travel note for your needles and supplies if you fly.  Carry the note and the supplies with you as carry on  luggage so that they will not be discarded when security goes through your bags. 

Try never to pack your needles in the luggage you check.  Take it from don't want to find out that airport security dumped your needles out!

But a small carry on bag cooler with a refreezable ice pack works wonders.  They have some compact ones at Walgreen's and Walmart.  Even some of the medical supply stores carry them.  They don't run much at all.

Have a great day...Roblyn



I was wondering how to travel taking the shots too.  Glad you all have the information.  I am not on Enbrel anymore (I do have the travel pak that came with the Enbrel) but in May the RD is going to put me back on the MTX, only the injectable kind and I was planning on traveling again this summer.  So I guess I will go to walgrens and get the things I need as, I have a short visit to Fl. coming up the last of May.

I have lost luggage before...beleive me when I say I only check that which I can afford to lose for awhile..LOL.

Thanks for all the information.

I've taken Enbrel on long trips. They give you a small thermal bag that's good for several hours, but if you need to be travelling a longer time, I've found a regular small cooler with frozen blocks works great. You just have to make sure the meds don't freeze by wrapping them in something like bubble wrap. Of course you want to keep them in the box too. If you're at a hotel and you keep in in a small refrigerator, don't put it up top near the freezer because I almost froze mine that way. Put it on a lower shelf. I like the cooler for car travel because I pack other food items in it too. I've used the small cooler bag they give you for Enbrel on planes.  You can fit the meds and dinner at the same time.  It works well since they don't feed you on planes any more.  This summer I'm going to Rome with Enbrel.  Wish me luck.

When I was traveling back and forth from Indiana to Michigan all the time I placed my syringes in the cooler in my kit they gave me with a cold pack.I also put a refrigerator thermometer in with it so I could check the temp and buy ice if need to. ( I always kept zip lock freezer bags in the cooler as well).Many times when I arrived at either place I would forget to take it in the house right away and it was a life saver for me.

I wrapped the meds in a washcloth while in the frig the day before I was to leave and just packed it all in the little bag cooler straight from the frig. It insulated the meds quite well and also the thermometer was not right up against the ice pack or the meds.

