just me ?Wayney what about you ? | Arthritis Information


 I just noticed this topic . I have had muscle spasms for years and it has been noted in my sleep labs that I may have " Restless leg syndrome ". At times these spasms cause a very brief but intense flash of pain . I call them "phantom pains " as there seems to be no cause.Sometimes I wonder if I might have fibro, sometimes I wonder if I am just  a freak   ! Anyone else have these ? Wayney , do you have this with your Fibro ?Good, you posted this today as I almost never scroll down since I am lazy!   I have back spasms a lot. in fact, my back is so tight to the touch that my PT told me to relax.  He also left bruises trying to get it to loosen up, along with glute tightness (and not the good kind).  Then once in awhile get leg spasms...which are annoying the heck out of me right now.  Last night was awful.   
as for you possibly have fibro...if i can find the pic, i'll see if i can post a link to it or something, it shows the tender points.  and lists the criteria for dx.  it's very possible you have it as it is at times secondary to ra.  yay for us! 
Ok, found the graphic that shows it...hope the link to it works. 
Click on the graphics album and you will see it if it doesn't show up here. (I was gonna say don't look in the other albums unless you wanna see scary pics of me...but there are none of me that you can tell it is me on there!)
Now to get more fibro info than one should ever need

There is all kinds of stuff on there.  Her books are excellent!

I get leg spasms.  And they're severe!  They actually pull my foot up to the side towards the outside of my leg.  I had one a week ago, and it still hurts!  I usually end up screaming and crying, and the only thing that helps is to stand on them.  I usually get one in both legs at the same time, just above the ankle. 

Thanks for the links, Wayney.  I have Fibro, and I don't know about you, but when I was first diagnosed, I had all 18 tender points.  Now, my back is like a gravel road with all the knots. 

As for you being a freak santa, join the group!


I am trying to remember how many tender points the doc actually touched or if he gave up after the requisite 11.  I know he touched a few and I almost hit him out of reflex.
My back is a mess as well.   My poor PT.  I actually felt sorry for him having to try to help me break those knots.  He said that he was using all of his hand strength and just couldn't believe I wasn't screaming.  I guess after being knotted so long, there was a bit of desensitization.  My back hurts a lot, but not usually to be touched.  There was one time my PT hurt me.  As I said my glutes were a mess.  He left enough bruises that he even said it looked like someone had beaten my rear end.  None of it hurt until one day he hit my sciatic nerve.  I literally lifted up off that table and came close to kicking him.  We laughed after but that sent pain down my leg, into my toes.  And for some reason, rather than kicking forward and hurting myself, my reaction was to kick my leg back. 

And somehow, when reading your post santa, I missed you asking if you are a freak!  Ummmm, welcome to the club, although, if I remeber correctly, you are an orignal card carrying member?  Eh, either way....you're more than welcome in our little club. 

Can someone explain what a spam feels like?

I have tension in my neck and toward my collar bone. It never goes away no matter how much it is rubbed.

Sometimes when I am laying in bed or sitting my leg will start to twitch and then it will flinch like someone has hit me for reflexes.

My fingers when I try to pick something up like the remote my hands will make like a shaking like I am straining to pick it up when I am not.

Does this happen to ya'll too?

The best way for me to explain it is odd.  When I was preggers and did not know it..my gastro said some of my problem could be from muscle spasms in my stomach from fibro.  When my son began to kick it felt like the feeling my legs and back had.  Tightening and releasing of the muscles with some sharp jabs.  So that's the best way I can explain how my spasms feel.



You can call it Charlie Horses, too. I take Clonzapam for it.



I was diagonised with Restless Leg Syndrome many years ago. My RLS is feels like the Hebe Jebe's and you feel like you need to move them all the time. Mine don't jerk they just tingle and are restless. Muscle Spasms to me are when my calf muscle knot up and I have to get out of bed and walk them off. They are very painful too.

I don't know if this helps you or not. I think we all have different ways that things bother us. Hope you are able to get some relief for them.



Hi Teacher, I have OA and Fibromyalgia real bad and restless legs syndrome which can be one of those symptoms that goes with all of that. Just as Irritable Bowel goes with it too and Chronic Fatigue goes along also. So not being a professional or anything like that. My opinion is yes it can be part of the OA and RA. I went to a conference in Portland Oregon one year and that is where I learned so much about Fibromyalgia and the other effects of Fibro. They had alot of reputable Doctors on hand to ask questions to. Next time you go see your RA doctor ask him about it.


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