Arthritis Information -Ringing in ears ???


I seem to have it alot at times and then other times hardly notice it. Is this serious?

Yes I have tinius too as well as unexplained hearing loss. Some tinitus can be caused by medication. I especially notice it if I'm on antibiotics but I think methetrexate can cause it too. Ringing in your ears can also be caused by middle ear infections.Just tonight I am experiencing strange ringing sensation - sounds like everything is very far away.  Am on sulfasalazine and just stopped Arava.


 I started having ringing when I started plaquenil. That and hearing loss can be a side effect of it also eye problems

Hi Saucy,  haven't had your meds, (have Relafin, methotrextate, and plaquenil, and for the past few mo.s remicade.  But I've noticed an awful lot of ringing in my ears and it's not easy to ignore.  Think it started before the remicade, so maybe the methotextrate?I'm STILL only on prednisone, but I've had ringing in my ears for about 6 months. I thought it was too many rock concerts. It never occurred to me it was yet ANOTHER symptom of RA. I think it (tinnitus) is usually medication related, do not think RA causes this.  ALthough it is a pretty common problem even for people without RA and on no meds.

Just wondering if any one has had or has ringing in their ears?

it seems to sort of come and go with me but I am just wondering if it is another part of RA or something else I should alert the Doc to?

it's called tinitus, i believe and i have it as well.  It's funny, cause i was just thinking i wish it would stop!!!  It seems to be real loud at night when it's more quiet... sometimes I'm thankful the dog snores to make the ringing not so loud!!!  LOL