How you doin? | Arthritis Information


Hi, everyone!

I hope this post finds everyone doing well and in good spirits. I've been a busy bee lately with a lot of volunteer work and I'm loving it.
Things in Cali are just awesome. The husband and kiddos are doing fabulous!! All is well in our little world.
We saw a bit of an air show yesterday evening after my support group meeting and it was really nice. I love going to air shows. The way the aviators are able to manuever those planes completely amazes me.
Hope you're all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable evening!
Hi Co_mel, good to hear you are able to keep busy.  You sound so happy, We live close to an airport and a air base,  So we get to see air-shows about 4 times a year.  I do enjoy watching them. What part Of California do you live in?  Here it is very hot  and dry,  everything is a golden brown,  All ready to burn.  Fire season is here.  We was  101 - 103 the last few days and for the next 4 days it will be over 100.  Ca. is a nice state to live in till July and Aug.

So glad you checked in

Sorry the the RA still isn't under control, but it sounds like you and your family are ahppy.
Don't stay away so long next time!
We doing pretty good. I THINK we may have found the source of the year long runs, nausea, vomiting, pain..
Lactose intolerance.. last summer I was eating yogurt by the gallon. I mean seriously 3 or 4  cups a day.. Plus drinking a lot of milk. I felt so rotten and the yogurt and milk felt sooo good going down it just never occurred to me or the dr  that could be it.
I had the lactose breath test Friday and was sick as a dog Saturday and Sunday..
Sooo I talk to the dr in a week or so..  should get some answers finally.
 Now for other  news.. My sister and I are throwing a joint  anniversary party on the weekend. Shes been married 37 years, We've been married 35.. We decided to have a bash now instead of waiting 15 years because all our siblings (the surviving ones ) are MUCH older than us..
My sister is one of these people who just can't seem to actually get anything  done.. She always knows someone who has a friend who can get us supplies or food at a great price or lent to us etc, but she dithers around and I just say the heck with it and just go GET the supplies. I have pretty much everything we need. She  has  not even sent the invitations that she said she would take care of.. just a half doxzen or so, and she didn't get that done..  So  there are a lot of her old friends who just dont even know about this party..
I feel great now  but check me on Monday, I may be dead by then...LOL
Oh yeah. Thursday night I took a swig of coffee and my front tooth fell out.. well the one next to it. about 30 years ago I had a root cannal and finally the tooth around it just fell apart.. I'm soooooo p'o'ed. We dont have dental insuance and I owe the dentist for the last  visit so I cant get this fixed til mark is back at work in fall.   Dammit.
kathy_in_wlsv2010-07-13 09:46:58 Check around for a dental school - they will do work on a sliding scale and sometimes for free.  Sorry you are having problems! Page12010-07-13 23:35:08dental school is 120 miles away I checked there when I was getting my breath test. They said because we have the income we do.. DH is a teacher we arent elligible. (we should budget better)