Under 25- Feels like I’m 85! | Arthritis Information


This site is amazing.  Until reading your posts, I felt like no one really understood how awful this disease is.  I was diagnosed with RA in December 2005, but had experienced severe pain for several months prior to diagnosis.  I travel extensively for my job, and everyday things like lifting boxes of brochures or luggage, hurrying in the airport, sleeping on hotel beds, sitting on planes for long flights, etc, were getting more and more painful.  My doctor says I have an extremely aggressive form of RA.  I'm only 23!  I can no longer travel so I'm stuck in the office!  I can't drink with friends.  I can't salsa dance anymore.  RA is stealing my life. 

I'm on pain meds, anti-inflammatories, prednizone, folic acid, methotrexate, and something for stomach side-effects.  Next up is either enbrel, humira or remicade.  Any advice? 

Thanks for listening.  Misery loves company, right? 

Keep smiling!    -Trish-

Hi Trish.  I am 33 and feel so much of what you feel.  It sounds like your life was a lot more exciting than mine though. 
I was diagnosed this last month and have had serious pain since January.  I finally got some meds that help for now last week.  It is still new to me.

I know that you will find your way to enjoying your life again.  It is just "different" now.  I am still adjusting.  It is a mental journey and it takes time, patience and strength. 

It is good to come here to share, whine or support.  It has helped me deal with it a lot.  Reading other stories gives me more knowledge, and knowledge is power. 

My mother has had it for 10 years so I have had a head start on learning about it.  I recognized it right away when it came on.

Good luck, and welcome to the board. Misery does love company. I got diagnosed about a year and a half ago after 8 years of pain and stiffness. I'm a lot older(59) but I feel the same way you do. I'm on pretty much the same meds as you with the exception of I'm on Enbrel which has made a big difference.  I think there's a good chance you'll feel better with Enbrel or another biologic. I did. No matter how old we are when this disease strikes, it makes us reevaluate our lives and decide what is really important. The energy is limited, so we have to pick and choose what we do with that energy. I've decided that next year I'm working part time instead of full time.  If I didn't need the health benefits, I'd retire so I could pursue my art and volunteer to help disabled kids. Hang in there and make sure to plan some things you enjoy each day. Exercise is another thing that will make a big difference.  It's hard to do when you're exhausted to begin with, but it will release endorfins which will make you feel better emotionally and at the same time you will keep those joints moving.  Get a program from your doctor or a good PT who specializes in RA.I know exactly how you feel. I was a freshman in college. I was in denial
for a while and pretty much did what all college kids did--loved those
parties. But---the RA won out and I went on the meds that the dr.
wanted. I would like to tell you that everything improved right away but it
has taken a while. One thing that my dr. did stress was that you can still
go out occassionaly and have fun.   I am normally the designated driver
when we go out but once in a very long while-I'll pass that job off to
someone else. Still---you have to be careful.

My advice to you is to find a good dr. who will work with you. Mine will
always answer any question and asks for my opinion regarding the meds.
We are young and need doctors who will be with us for the long haul.


Hi Trish,

Another 23 year old here!  It must seem like RA is stealing your life at the moment and that's really hard to deal with, especially early on.  But hopefully, with the right treatment you will be able to continue life as before, just at a slightly slower, easier pace. It does take time and it is hard; I know a lot of people remain without the right treatment but there are others who do - fortunately I'm one of them - although I waited many years until the TNF drugs were available for me in the UK they have turned my life around.  I've been on Enbrel since July; I'm a full-time student at university, living away from home (getting a house with friends in September!), enjoy going out with friends etc and most importantly, I have no pain anymore and like you, my symptoms have always been very severe. I do have my limitations, have to look after myself more than most and make sure I get enough rest, but I would say I live a pretty normal life!

That's my experience anyway, I agree with what Becky says - a good doctor and the right medication should be top of your list. I'm lucky I found my doctor, he has always made sure I have the best quality of life possible, especially because of my age. He encourages me to go out and live my life as fully as possible and loves to hear how i'm getting on. It makes things so much easier and a lot less scary.

If you ever fancy a chat or have more questions, feel free to PM me,

Take care,

Moonie x


Hi Trish!

I'm 39 slightly older than you but also newly diagnosed. So far I take plaquenil and prednisone with pain meds. Not much improvement so far. I agree this disease can really refocus your entire life and limit what you use to take for granted. I hope your doctor gets you on the right combination of meds soon so you can start enjoying your life again. We know that with RA our lives will never be as they use to but we don't have to curl up and hide. We just have to as others have stated pick and choose what we do with our energy. Stick with this forum because you will learn alot from these ladies. They have helped me tremendously.

I am 62 and beleive me, I feel 92 but with a 42 year old mind.  Now how discouraging can that be?
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