Cervical spine RA | Arthritis Information


Does anyone know about cervical RA? I have a appt with spine specialist on Tuesday. I do have stenosis in cervical region, just wondering if the two are linked somehow? I have my Mri's from a year ago and they look bad, I hate to even see the one's they will be taking now. Any info on this would be helpful prior to my visit.

Thanks all of you are REALLY GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know when all the swelling began and my problems really became apprehient (?spelling) the doctor told me i had osteo. I guess I should have listened and started doing something about it then. It wasn't until I injured my back that all the real pain began. I have T12/T11 fractured and compressed in 2000 and did not even know back ws broken until 2005 with the MRI, I just knew it hurt like hell. Still does!!! most of the vertebra have bone spurs or degenration. I hope all goes well at visit, sort of scared about what they might find or want to do. I just know Im not fond of back surgery.

Oh well dont count your chickens before they hatch, Right !!

I dont know alot about back surgeries, just that if you do need surgery be sure to research every avenue. I have known several people that have had bad luck with laminectomys. I am not sure of your age but it seems like the older set have more long term complications with those types of sx. I am telling you this from my experiences with family members and people that I have met who have told me about their own problems. From a nursing standpoint I dont have experience in that area. I just know that if it was me I would try other things first. I have been advised that surgery on my neck was the best option and I know that ultimatly that is where I most probably will end up but I am going to do everything else I can untill I dont have any other options. That is based on the 50/50 response I get from people who have had similar surgeries. Hopefully you will be able to do PT or something to get some relief. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

I have a lot of back problems but it's my lower back. Starts about mid-way down and goes into the hip area. I don't have the MRI results in front of me or I'd give you the exact terms it used.

I went to see an orthopedic spine specialist at the request of my RD and he's the one that ordered the MRI. It showed several areas with disk bulge, disk protrusion and arthropathy....with is arthritis. My RD told me I had DDD and OA before I went to the Spine doctor. He took one look at my x-rays and said this isn't OA; it's RA and it's progressing. MRI confirmed this finding and my RD didn't disagree with it.

They both said my current RA treatment of MTX & Humira is probable the best thing we can do right now to treat it. I have noticed that it's much worse as my meds wear off...so I suppose they were right.

Best of luck to you. I've had off and off neck pain over the years and it's horrible. You do't realize how important your neck is until you hurt everytime it moves!! Hope you can find some relief.

I have severe osteo in my lower back - sciatic & hips - but that's due to
being rear-ended in '91. There are times when it's absolute agony, but
I've lived with it so long, I almost don't notice it anymore.Oh that sciatica is the pits! I started getting that when I was pregnant and still have reoccurring bouts of it. The trips to the chiropractor have seemed to keep it at bay though. I already have this stuff and no history of trauma. I would hate to have a fall or car wreck, I fear even something minor would cause problems. My mom gave me a big lecture recently about riding the 4-wheeler. I cant give up everything though. I just havent ridden because of my hands, but as soon as they are better--I'm gone!I take medical testimony from spine surgeons on a regular basis, and I will tell you this, do all you can to try conservative treatment before you decide on surgery.  They often leave people in more pain than what they began with.  You should be sure to get more than one opinion if you decide to go the surgery route. 

I have been amazed to learn how many doctors will jump to surgery.  There are some that will jump to it just to make the money.  While there are LOTS of excellent doctors out there, I have learned that there are many that aren't. 

I hope you have a good rapport with a doctor you trust.  That is key, and sorry about your back pain!

Right now I have 4 back fractures two broken ribs and a cracked sternum. Not to mention I vae lost 3" in my height. They plan to fix my back not by surgery but by injecting my back with a bone glue. Why are my bones so brittle? 25 years of prednisone use. My latwst bone scan showed me to be -4. I have the bones of a 90 year old woman at the age of 55.

I hope all of you are on something to build your bones if not talk to you doc about it. I am on a daily injection that cost me 0.00 a month and thats after my prescription plan pays the other 0.00.

Also because of the steriods I have 6 joint replacement. I can't express enough how important it is to keep and eye on our bones when we are on so many drugs.

Good luck to you seagoat and think positive. At least there are drugs now and surgery if needed to help us out.

Hey AZ- thanks for the input on the surgical problems. I hear so many complaints about it. My grandfather had a laminectomy 4 years ago and hasnt been able to walk since. He has seen every kind of doctor imaginable and done PT, no one can figure out what the problem is.  He will be stuck with using a scooter chair for the rest of his life.I have both OA and RA. Sometimes it's really impossible to find out which is causing the problems. Before I got diagnosed with the RA, I had lower back problems including siatica, then thorasic back trouble and cervical neck pain with pain radiating down the arms. I couldn't turn my head. PT helped some, but it was only when I got diagnosed woth the RA and went on DMARDS and enbrel that the neck pain improved greatly.

I am wondering if I will see any improvments in my neck pain once my MTX starts to kick in. I guess it dosnt help since I have the disc protrusion though.You know, I bought a homedics shiatsu massager at Walgreen's for 30 dollars.  It is so wonderful for my neck and shoulder pain.  I just lay back on it and let it do its work.  I was quite surprised at how good it works.  I bought it on Friday. 

It took a minute to get used to it, but it is so wonderful.
Have any of you tried an inversion table for back pain? My mom uses one when her back is bothering her, and gets great results. She has RA, osteoporosus, and a hx of fractured vertabrae from our crazy horse (when he thought he was a dog).
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