Day two... | Arthritis Information


So the day is about half way over and I have had a bowl of cereal with skim milk, coffee, and one of my favorite quick snacks-Pink Salmon. It may sound odd but it is good and keeps me full for a while. I buy Chicken of the Sea pouches of Pink Salmon. I eat it right out of the pouch with a fork.  90 cal. 3gm fat, 15 gm protien, no carbs, and a great source  of  Omega 3. Anyways, I need to go grocery shopping but I hate to go on the weekends. The stores are always so crowded. I guess I am going to have to go though. I hope everyone is doing well. If anyone has any good ideas or recipies or anything please share.

Did yall see that bunny thing on the test threads is gross. I would rather be fat than that skinny. I dont know why that was put there anyways. It is really weird.

You know, I just bought the same pink salmon steak but haven't tried it yet.  I like the tuna in the pouches -- and I eat it the same way.  I love to eat tuna with celery sticks.  I can chop up celery and/or onions in it and eat it with a fork. 

A good one I eat is tuna patties.  You use one can tuna, one egg, and some crackers and onion or whatever season you like, and make patties and brown in olive oil.  They are so yummy and good for you too.  I know the egg and crackers aren't the best, but you can use a minimal amount and they still taste great.
Sounds good--I would like to try that! Oil in general is not the best diet food, but by all means if you are going to use it, use olive oil. Better for you than most others and much flavor!  I have always heard conflicting opinions on eggs. I think that if you are watching you cholesterol you need to limit your egg consumption, but generally speaking they are good for you and you can always just get the egg whites if you want to cut back on the yolks. Now I am hungry...

Hi all.  Just thinking of brunch and now I'm thinking salmon salad and whole grain toast is sounding pretty good.  Lettuce, salmon, cherry tomatoes from my garden, bit of onion, herbs and a tiny drizzle of balsamic dressing.

Sorry, mouth watering, have to go...

See Ya

No junk food at all today, and I went for a two mile walk (well, I went for a
one mile walk & a one mile hobble, but once you get out, you have to
come home). It felt good, even though it hurt!Crunchy, My favorite metetrexate day breakfast is an omlette made with eggbeaters, chives, chopped tomatoes,spinich, and a little shaved cheese. This with coffee, grapefruit juice and an english muffin make me less affected by the MTX. The eggbeaters come in this neat little 2 egg cups so you can just shake it and pour. I take 3 metetrexate on Fridays and 4 folic acids every day.

Pammy-I'm coming to your house for meals from now on! It sounds like your the one with all the fresh goodies. Fifi-GOOD FOR YOU! you just showed us up with your 2mile hike! Linda, omlettes are a great diet food. So yummy and really good for the body too. You guys are all doing great!

I had a few shrimp and a ton of boiled crawfish for dinner. Also 1 boiled red potato and for dessert 2 cookies and a mini bag of M&Ms. I used up all of my points today and I didnt go over. I am pretty happy with the results. I have a full belly so I cant complain.

I will be back tomorrow to report on the progress. I am going to stay off of the scale until Sat. morning. Weighing in too often will make you crazy. Good luck to all!

Keep up the good work crunchy.Now that you're off prednisone and with your new diet, how can you lose. No pun intended.I want to be the biggest loser!