A Must Read.... | Arthritis Information


A Letter to Patients With Chronic Disease

Dear Patients:

You have it very hard, much harder than most people understand.  Having sat for 16 years listening to the stories, seeing the tiredness in your eyes, hearing you try to describe the indescribable, I have come to understand that I too can’t understand what your lives are like.  How do you answer the question, “how do you feel?” when you’ve forgotten what “normal” feels like?  How do you deal with all of the people who think you are exaggerating your pain, your emotions, your fatigue?  How do you decide when to believe them or when to trust your own body?  How do you cope with living a life that won’t let you forget about your frailty, your limits, your mortality?

To read the rest of the letter, go to:
Lynn, this is an excellent read and great advice!  Thanks! Another good read.

It's taken years for me to get to know my doctor to the point that I know he is only human.
Just this week he filled the wrong details out on a script because he was rushed.
Did I get mad, .....................................nope.
I figured it was a timely reminder to him to slow down, who knows, he may have had to be really on the ball for the next patient.

We are human and mistakes are part of that humanness as long as we learn from them.

love it.. thanks!! read the one right after that post.. about the EMR /computer access and use for data in the exam room... My RD has it and I love that he sees everything right there.. inputs my data and gets my blood results on the PC.
Thank you LynnThis is so true!!  They love seeing you when you are a "success" case!  Thank you, Lynn.  This reaffirms exactly how I feel....makes me feel more normal.
I'm glad you all found it interesting.  I thought it was spot on!
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