Arthritis Information -SERO NEG ARTICLE


Since there are so many issues coming up with sero negative related RA, I found this today and it wasn't easy. It took me over an hour to locate this info. This is some really good info and possibly a new better test for those of us suffering. I have posted this to some of the individual postings for other questions and some of you may have already looked at it but I just thought it would be good to see a response on its own.

I haven't read throught all of it yet but from what I have read, I believe I'll be speaking with my doc about this one.

Good reading to you all. 

I posted this late last night and when I got up this am it was mot showing inthe current area, any one know why this thread would shoup in over 16 hrs old group?dont know, re post in the regular arthritis section. I want to read the article too.